انتشارات Gerald Duckworth

The Zombie Survival Guide
Max Brooks, 2004
Drinking Water: A History
James Salzman, 2013
Drinking Water: A History
James Salzman, 2013
Alexander Aphrodisias Analytics: On Aristotle "Prior Analytics 1.23-31"
Mueller, Ian, 2006
World War Z
Max Brooks, 2007
A Pocket Handbook for the Commodore 64
Peter Gerrard, 1983
Mechanical Bride: Folklore of Industrial Man
Marshall McLuhan, 2011
Dictionary of Borges
Evelyn Fishburn, 1989
Dictionary of Borges
Evelyn Fishburn, 1989
Alexander of Aphrodisias : ethical problems
of Aphrodisias. Alexander, 1990
Philoponus: Against Proclus on the Eternity of the World 1-5
Philoponus, John, 2005
Complete Commodore 64 ROM Disassembly
Peter Gerrard, 1984
A Natural History of the Bestiary
Wilma George, 1991
Will You Still Love Me (Duckworth home computing)
Peter Gerrard, 1984
Philoponus: On Aristotle "On Coming to be and Perishing 2.5-11"
Kupreeva, Inna, 2005
Philoponus: On Aristotle on the Soul 1.1-2
Eijk, Philip J., 2005
Euripides: Suppliant Women (Duckworth Companions to Greek & Roman Tragedy)
Ian C. Storey, 2008
Proclus: On Providence
Proclus, approximately 410-485., 2007
Dreams and How to Guide Them
Hervey de Saint-Denys, 1982
Richard Adams, 2004
The London Bombings
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, 2006
The Philosophy of the Commentators, 200-600 AD: A Sourcebook. Vol. 1: Psychology
Richard Sorabji, 2003