انتشارات Humanity Books

The Limits of Community: A Critique of Social Radicalism
Helmuth Plessner, translated by Andrew Wallace, 1999
Pointing the Way: Collected Essays
Martin Buber, 1999
Elucidations of Holderlin's Poetry - Contemporary Studies in Philosophy and the Human Sciences
Martin Heidegger, Keith Hoeller, 2000
Diogenes The Cynic: The War Against The World
Luis E. Navia, 2005
Marxism and the Philosophy of Science: A Critical History
Helena Sheehan, 1993
The Incarnate Subject: Malebranche, Biran, and Bergson on the Union of Body and Soul
Maurice Merleau-Ponty, 2001
Heidegger's Language and Thinking
Robert Mugerauer, 1990
Dennett and Ricoeur on the Narrative Self
Joan Mccarthy, 2007
Bad Faith and Antiblack Racism
Lewis R. Gordon, 1995
Heidegger and the Poets
Veronique M. Foti, 1995
Heidegger and the Subject
Francois Raffoul, 1999
Husserl on Ethics and Intersubjectivity: From Static to Genetic Phenomenology
Janet Donohoe, 2004
Knowing and Doing in Heidegger's Being and Time
Gerold Prauss, 1999
Marx's Theory of Scientific Knowledge
Patrick Murray, 1990
New Essays in Fichte's Foundation of the Entire Doctrine of Scientific Knowledge
Daniel Breazeale, 2001
New Essays in Fichte's Foundation of the Entire Doctrine of Scientific Knowledge
Daniel Breazeale, 2001
New Investigations of Marx's Method
Fred Moseley, 1997
Philosophy and Truth: Selections from Nietzsche's Notebooks of the Early 1870's
Friedrich Nietzsche, 1993
Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory
Herbert Marcuse, 1999
Russia Twenty Years After
Victor Serge, 1996
Russia Twenty Years After
Victor Serge, 1996
Stay With God: A Statement in Illusion on Reality
Francis Brabazon, 1990
The Place of Marxism in History (Revolutionary Studies Series)
Ernest Mandel, 1998