انتشارات John Day

Calling for Help: Language and Social Interaction in Telephone Helplines
Carolyn D. Baker (ed.), 2005
Crown Ethers and Analogs (1989)
Edwin Weber, 1989
Self-Organization In Non-Equilibrium Systems
G. Nicolis, 1977
Equine Reproduction (2 Volumes)
Angus O. McKinnon, 2011
Asymptotic solutions of differential equations and their applications
Calvin H. Wilcox, 1964
Cancer Care for Adolescents and Young Adults
Faith Gibson, 2008
Microsoft Windows Security Essentials
Darril Gibson, 2011
The a to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility
Wayne Visser,Dirk Matten,Manfred Pohl, et al.John Wiley &, 2010
The a to Z of Corporate Social Responsibility. A Complete Reference Guide to Concepts, Codes and Organisations
Wayne Visser,Dirk Matten,Manfred Pohl, et al.John Wiley &, 2008
Computational Molecular Biology: An Introduction
Peter Clote, 2000
Water Encyclopedia, Volumes 1-5
Lehr, Jay, 2005
Plant Bioactives and Drug Discovery: Principles, Practice, and Perspectives
Binghe Wang(eds.), 2012
Helping Students Remember: Exercises and Strategies to Strengthen Memory
Milton J. Dehn, 2011
Evidence for Linguistic Relativity
Susanne Niemeier (Ed.), 2000
On Conditionals Again
Angeliki Athanasiadou, 1997
The Cultural Context in Business Communication
Susanne Niemeier, 1998
The Language of Emotions: Conceptualization, expression, and theoretical foundation
Susanne Niemeier, 1997
The Ubiquity of Metaphor: Metaphor in Language and Thought
Wolf Paprotté, 1985