انتشارات Mouton De Gruyter

The Power of Analogy: An Essay on Historical Linguistics
Dieter Wanner, 2006
Tense and Aspect in Informal Welsh
Bob Morris Jones, 2010
Control into Conjunctive Participle Clauses: The Case of Assamese
Youssef A. Haddad, 2011
English Rhythms in Russian Verse: On the Experiment of Joseph Brodsky
Nila Friedberg, 2011
Linguistic Analysis: From Data to Theory
Mara Frascarelli, 2011
Topics in Oceanic Morphosyntax
Claire Moyse-Faurie, 2011
Productivity in Argument Selection: From Morphology to Syntax
Amir Zeldes, 2012
Reinventing Structuralism: What Sign Relations Reveal About Consciousness
Rodney B. Sangster, 2013
Vocative!: Addressing Between System and Performance
Barbara Sonnenhauser, Patrizia Noel Aziz Hanna, 2013
Coherence Theory: The Case of Russian
Jens Noergard-Soerensen, 1992
Plurality and Classifiers across Languages in China
Dan Xu, 2012
The Metrical Organization of Beowulf: Prototype and Isomorphism
Seiichi Suzuki, 1996
Textualization of Oral Epics
Lauri Honko, 2000
The Mixed Language Debate: Theoretical and Empirical Advances
Yaron Matras, Peter Bakker, 2003
Perspectives on Variation: Sociolinguistic, Historical, Comparative
Nicole Delbecque, Johan van der Auwera, Dirk Geeraerts, 2005
Toward a Poetic Theory of Narration: Essays of S. Y. Kuroda
Sylvie Patron, 2014
’COME’ and ’GO’ off the Beaten Grammaticalization Path
Maud Devos, Jenneke Van Der Wal, 2014
Surviving the Middle Passage: The West Africa-Surinam Sprachbund
Pieter Muysken, Norval Smith, 2014
The Forms of Meaning: Modeling Systems Theory and Semiotic Analysis
Thomas Albert Sebeok, Marcel Danesi, 2000
Discourse and the Continuity of Reference: Representing Mental Categorization
Cornelia Zelinsky-Wibbelt, 2000
Words: Structure, Meaning, Function: A Festschrift for Dieter Kastovsky
Christiane Dalton-Puffer, Nikolaus Ritt, 2000
The morpheme : a theoretical introduction
David Embick, 2015