انتشارات Mouton De Gruyter

Emerging English Modals: A Corpus-Based Study of Grammaticalization
Manfred Krug, 2000
Adverbial Clauses in Scots: A Semantic-Syntactic Study
Martina Häcker, 2011
The French Influence on Middle English Morphology: A Corpus-Based Study on Derivation
Christiane Dalton-Puffer, 1996
The History of Final Vowels in English: The Sound of Muting
Donka Minkova, 1991
Preposition Stranding: From Syntactic to Functional Analyses
Ken-Ichi Takami, 1992
The Pragmatics of Discourse Anaphora in English: Evidence from Conversational Repair
Ronald Geluykens, 1994
The Origin of American Black English: Be-Forms in the HOODOO Texts
Traute Ewers, 1995
Grammaticalization at Work: Studies of Long-term Developments in English
Matti Rissanen, Merja Kyta, Kirsi Heikkonen, 1997
The Expressivity of Grammar
Axel Hübler, Axel H. Bler, 1998
English Abstract Nouns As Conceptual Shells: From Corpus to Cognition
Hans-Jorg Schmid, 2000
Genitive Variation in English: Conceptual Factors in Synchronic and Diachronic Studies
Anette Rosenbach, 2002
Studies in the History of the English Language II: Unfolding Conversations
Anne Curzan, Kimberly Emmons, 2004
Descriptive Adequacy of Early Modern English Grammars
Ute Dons, 2004
Ditransitives in British English Dialects
Johanna Gerwin, 2014
Scales and hierarchies: A cross-disciplinary perspective
Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky, Andrej L. Malchukov, Marc D. Richards (eds), 2015
Prepositional clauses in Spanish: A diachronic and comparative syntactic study
Manuel Delicado Cantero, 2013
Fundamentals of Language (Janua Linguarum. Series Minor, Band 1)
Roman Jakobson, 2002
A Grammar of Southern Min: The Hui’an Dialect
Weirong Chen, 2020
Naturalism and deontology: An Essay on the Problems of Ethics
D. A. Rohatyn, 2019
Descriptive Grammar of Bangla
Anne Boyle David; Thomas J. Conners; Dustin A. Chacón, 2015
The Nature of Rules, Regularities and Units in Language
Rolf Kreyer, 2013