انتشارات Mouton Gruyter

Language and Identity in Multilingual Mediterranean Settings : Challenges for Historical Sociolinguistics
Piera Molinelli (Ed.), 2017
Handbook of Amazonian Languages Volume 1-4
Desmond C. Derbyshire (editor), Geoffrey K. Pullum (editor), 1986-1998
The English it-Cleft: A Constructional Account and a Diachronic Investigation
Amanda Patten, 2012
Power in Family Discourse
Richard J. Watts, 1991
Semiotics of the Media: State of the Art, Projects, and Perspectives
Winfried Nöth (editor), 1997
The Languages and Linguistics of Mainland Southeast Asia: A comprehensive guide
Paul Sidwell; Mathias Jenny, 2021
Word-Formation: An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe, vol 2
Peter O. Müller (editor), Ingeborg Ohnheiser (editor), Susan Olsen (editor), Franz Rainer (editor), 2015
Word-Formation, vol. 2
Peter O. Müller, Ingeborg Ohnheiser, Susan Olsen, 2015
Progress in Language Planning
Juan Cobarrubias, Joshua A. Fishman, 1983
Tracing the Semiotic Boundaries of Politics
Pertti Ahonen (editor), 1993
Balkan Syntax and (Universal) Principles of Grammar
Iliyana Krapova (editor), Brian Joseph (editor), 2018
The phonetics and phonology of contrast : the case of the Romanian vowel system
Margaret E. L. Renwick, 2014
Crisis Communication
Finn Frandsen (editor), Winni Johansen (editor), 2020
Current Approaches to Metaphor Analysis in Discourse
Ignasi Navarro i Ferrando (editor), 2019
Handbook of Management Communication
François Cooren, Peter Stücheli-Herlach, 2021
Relational Typology
Frans Plank (ed.), 1985
Talk, Work and Institutional Order: Discourse in Medical, Mediation and Management Settings
Srikant Sarangi (editor), Celia Roberts (editor), 1999
The Reading of Time: A Semantico-Semiotic Approach (Approaches to Semiotics)
Julio C. M. Pinto, 1989
Handbook of the Ryukyuan Languages
Patrick Heinrich, Shinsho Miyara, Michinori Shimoji, 2015
Codeswitching: Anthropological and Sociolinguistic Perspectives
Monica Heller (editor), 1988
Repetitions in Gesture: A Cognitive-Linguistic and Usage-Based Perspective
Jana Bressem, 2021
Theory and Methodology of Semiotics: The Tradition of Ferdinand de Saussure
Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos, Karin Boklund-Lagopoulou, 2020