انتشارات Mouton Gruyter

The Use of Databases in Cross-Linguistic Studies
Martin Everaert, 2009
The Semantic Field of Modal Certainty: A Corpus-Based Study of English Adverbs
Anne-Marie Simon-Vandenbergen, 2007
We Are Not Amused: Failed Humor in Interaction
Nancy Bell, 2015
The Present Perfect in Non-Native Englishes: A Corpus-Based Study of Variation
Julia Davydova, 2011
Cardinal Numerals: Old English from a Cross-linguistic Perspective
Ferdinand von Mengden, 2010
Typological Changes in the Lexicon: Analytic Tendencies in English Noun Formation
Alexander Haselow, 2011
The Syntax of Nominalizations across Languages and Frameworks
Artemis Alexiadou, 2010
Tibor Kiss, 2015
Syntax — Theory and Analysis: An International Handbook
Tibor Kiss, 2015
A Grammar of Koyra Chiini: The Songhay of Timbuktu (Mouton Grammar Library, 19)
Jeffrey Heath, 1998
A Grammar of Limbu (Mouton Grammar Library)
George van Driem, 1987
English Adjectives of Comparison: Lexical and Grammaticalized Uses
Tine Breban, 2010
English Adjectives of Comparison: Lexical and Grammaticalized Uses
Tine Breban, 2010
Argument and Rhetoric: Adverbial Connectors in the History of English
Ursula Lenker, 2010
A-bar Syntax: A Study in Movement Types
Gereon Müller, 1995
Grammatical Borrowing in Cross-Linguistic Perspective
Yaron Matras, 2007
Social Stylistics: Syntactic Variation in British Newspapers
Andreas H. Jucker, 1992
Consonant Clusters and Structural Complexity
Christine Mooshammer, 2012
Constituent Syntax: Quantification, Numerals, Possession, Anaphora
Philip Baldi, 2010