انتشارات New Society Pub

Basic Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
J. Michael Hollas, 2002
Basic Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy,
J. Michael Hollas, 2002
Basic Chemometric Techniques in Atomic Spectroscopy
Jose M Andrade-Garda, Alfredo Sanz Medel, Rosario Pereiro-Garcia, Jose M Costa-Fernandez, Xavier Tomas-Morer, 2009
Additives in Water-Borne Coatings (Special Publication)
G. Davison, B.C. Lane, 2003
Advances in Flavours and Fragrances: From the Sensation to the Synthesis
K.A.D. Swift, 2002
Advances in Magnetic Resonance in Food Science (Special Publications)
AGRI-FOOD QUALITY II (Special Publications)
Amorphous Food and Pharmaceutical Systems
Harry Levine; Churchill College, 2002
Aquatic chemistry: interfacial and interspecies processes
Chin Pao Huang, Charles R. O'Melia, James J. Morgan, 1995
Biodegradable polymers and plastics
M. Vert, J. Feijen, A. Albertsson, G. Scott, Emo Chiellini, 1992
Biodiversity: New Leads for the Pharmaceutical and Agrochemical Industries (Special Publication)
Ewan J T Chrystal, Stephen K Wrigley, Robert Thomas, Neville Nicholson, 2000
Carbohydrate Bioengineering Interdisciplinary Apporaches
Tuula T. Teeri, Birte Svensson, Harry J. Gilbert, 2002![Catalysis in application: [proceedings of the International Symposium on Applied Catalysis to be held at the University of Glasgow on 16-18 July 2003]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/0/3499-n.jpg)
Catalysis in application: [proceedings of the International Symposium on Applied Catalysis to be held at the University of Glasgow on 16-18 July 2003]
S.D. Jackson, J.S.J. Hargreaves, D. Lennon, 2003
Biocatalysis and Biomimetics
James D. Burrington and Douglas S. Clark (Eds.), 1989
Differential Geometry: Proceedings
Carl Barnett Allendoerfer (ed.), 1961
Farming for Bees: Guidelines for Providing Native Bee Habitat on Farms
Mace Vaughan, Matthew Shepherd, Claire Kremen, Scott Black, 2007
Deformation theory of pseudogroup structures
Victor Guillemin, Shlomo Sternberg, 1966
Advances in Applied Nanotechnology for Agriculture
Bosoon Park, Michael Appell, 2014
Advances in applied nanotechnology for agriculture
Appell, Michael; Park, Bosoon, 2013
Artificial cilia
Jaap MJden Toonder; Patrick R Onck, 2013
Biological Interactions with Surface Charge in Biomaterials
Tofail Syed;Paul O'Brien;Harold Craighead;Harry Kroto;Halina Podbielska, 2011
Biomimetic Nanoceramics in Clinical Use: From Materials to Applications (RSC Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)
Maria Vallet-Regi, Daniel A. Arcos Navarrete, 2008
Bionanodesign: Following Natures Touch (RSC Nanoscience and Nanotechnology)
Maxim Ryadnov, 2009