انتشارات Palgrave Macmillan Ltd

Destabilizing the Hollywood Musical: Music, Masculinity and Mayhem
Kelly Kessler, 2010
Directors and the New Musical Drama: British and American Musical Theatre in the 1980s and 90s
Miranda Lundskaer-Nielsen, 2008
Islam Obscured: The Rhetoric of Anthropological Representation
Daniel Varisco, 2005
Islam Obscured: The Rhetoric of Anthropological Representation
Daniel Varisco, 2005
Local Meanings, Global Schooling: Anthropology and World Culture Theory
Kathryn Anderson-Levitt, 2003
Biotechnology and Public Engagement in Europe
Janus Hansen, 2010
An Ecological and Postcolonial Study of Literature: From Daniel Defoe to Salman Rushdie
Robert P. Marzec, 2007
Clothing the Spanish Empire
Marta V. Vicente, 2006
Global Politics of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Science
Herbert Gottweis, Brian Salter, Catherine Waldby, 2009
Asia Future Shock: Business Crisis and Opportunity in the Coming Years
Michael Backman, 2007
Asia Future Shock: Business Crisis and Opportunity in the Coming Years
Michael Backman, 2008
Best Practices in Management Accounting
Greg N. Gregoriou, Nigel Finch, 2012
Beyond Good Company: Next Generation Corporate Citizenship
Bradley K. Googins, 2007
A Critical Introduction to Henry Green’s Novels: The Living Vision
Oddvar Holmesland (auth.), 1986
Global Governance in Accounting: Rebalancing Public Power and Private Commitment (Transformations of the State)
Jochen Zimmermann, Jorg Werner, Philipp Volmer, 2008
"Illegal" Traveller: An Auto-Ethnography of Borders
Shahram Khosravi, 2010
Climate Trading: Development of Greenhouse Gas Markets
Debbie Stowell, 2005
Culture and Climate in Health Care Organisations
Jeffrey Braithwaite, Paula Hyde, Catherine Pope, 2010
Global Warming: Personal Solutions for a Healthy Planet
Chris Spence, 2005
Challenging Traditional Views of Russian History
Stephen G. Wheatcroft, 2002
HIV/AIDS in Russia and Eurasia
Judyth L. Twigg, Strobe Talbott, 2007