انتشارات Pergamon Pr

Alkaline earth hydroxides in water and aqueous solutions
Einaga, Hisahiko; Lambert, Irma; Clever, H. Lawrence, 1992
Flare Stars
G. A. Gurzadyan and Yervant Terzian (Auth.), 1980
Mathematical techniques of operational research
Goddard, Laurence Stanley; Sneddon, I. N.; Stark, M.; Ulam, S, 1963
Guidance and Counselling in Schools. A Response to Change
Patrick M. Hughes and Edmund King (Auth.), 1971
Wind Power Plants. Theory and Design
Désiré Le Gouriérès (Auth.), 1982
Compact heat exchangers : selection, design, and operation
John E Hesselgreaves, 2001
Compact Heat Exchangers: Selection, Design and Operation
J.E. Hesselgreaves, 2001
Compact heat exchangers: selection, design, and operation
J.E. Hesselgreaves, 2001
Comparative Research on Education. Overview, Strategy and Applications in Eastern and Western Europe
Manfred Niessen and Jules Peschar (Eds.), 1982
Organic Synthesis Today and Tomorrow. Proceedings of the 3rd IUPAC Symposium on Organic Synthesis, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 15–20 June 1980
Barry M. Trost and C. Richard Hutchinson (Eds.), 1981
Functional Organisation of the Human Visual Cortex
Balazs Gulyas, D. Ottoson and P. E. Roland (Eds.), 1993
Budgeting for better performance
Clare Donelly; Bob Foley; Institute of Leadership & Management (Great Britain), 2003
Budgeting for Better Performance Super Series, Fourth Edition (ILM Super Series)
Institute of Leadership & Mana, 2003
Pneumatic and Hydraulic Control Systems. Seminar on Pneumohydraulic Automation (First Session)
M. A. Aizerman (Eds.), 1968
Directional Solidification of Steel Castings
R. Wlodawer (Auth.), 1966
Advances in Phase Transitions. Proceedings of the International Symposium Held at Mc: Master University Ontario, Canada, 22–23 October 1987
J. D. Embury and G. R. Purdy (Eds.), 1988
A Handbook on Biotelemetry and Radio Tracking. Proceedings of an International Conference on Telemetry and Radio Tracking in Biology and Medicine, Oxford, 20–22 March 1979
Charles J. Amlaner and David W. Macdonald (Eds.), 1980
Computer Applications in Resource Estimation. Prediction and Assessment for Metals and Petroleum
G. Gaal and D.F. Merriam (Eds.), 1990
Rural Geography. An Introductory Survey
H. D. Clout (Auth.), 1972
Applications of New Concepts of Physical–Chemical Wastewater Treatment. Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee September 18–22, 1972
W.W. Eckenfelder and L.K. Cecil (Eds.), 1972