انتشارات Pergamon Pr

Agricultural Insurance. Principles and Organization and Application to Developing Countries
P. K. Ray (Auth.), 1967
Agricultural Insurance. Theory and Practice and Application to Developing Countries
P. K. Ray (Auth.), 1981
Design Principles of Metal-Cutting Machine Tools
F. Koenigsberger (Auth.), 1964
Rapport sur les Longitudes et Latitudes
V. V. Beloussov, L.V. Berkner and W. J. G. Beynon (Eds.), 1967
Cost and Financial Accounting in Forestry. A Practical Manual
K. Openshaw (Auth.), 1980
Absorption Spectra and Chemical Bonding in Complexes
C. K. Jørgensen (Auth.), 1962
Absorption. Fundamentals & Applications
R. Zarzycki, A. Chacuk and J.M. Coulson (Auth.), 1993
Applications of Zeeman Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry in the Chemical Laboratory and in Toxicology
C. Minoia and S. Caroli (Eds.), 1992
Concise history of the language sciences : from the Sumerians to the cognitivists
EFK Koerner; RE Asher, 1995
Aspects of Civil Engineering Contract Procedure
R. J. Marks, R. J. E. Marks and R. E. Jackson (Auth.), 1985
A Physician's Handbook on Orthomolecular Medicine
Roger J. Williams and Dwight K. Kalita (Eds.), 1977
Asia and the New International Economic Order
J.A. Lozoya, Anindya K. Bhattacharya, 1981
Information control problems in manufacturing technology 1992 : selected papers from the 7th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IMACS/ISPE symposium, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 25-28 May 1992
M Zaremba; International Federation of Automatic Control, 1993
Elasto-Hydrodynamic Lubrication: International Series on Materials Science and Technology
D. Dowson, D. W. Hopkins, G. R. Higginson, 1977
Solar Energy
Harry Messel, Stuart Thomas Butler, 1975
Quantum mechanics: non-relativistic theory Vol. 3.
Landau L.D., Lifshitz E.M., 1991
Centrifugal Pumps
H. H. Anderson (Auth.), 1980
Effective Meetings at Work Super Series
Institute of Leadership & Mana, 2003