انتشارات Plastics Design Library

Dynamic Mechanical Analysis for Plastics Engineering
Sepe, M.P., 1998
Film Properties of Plastics and Elastomers - A Guide to Non-Wovens in Packaging Applications
Massey, Liesl, K., 2004
Fluoroelastomers Handbook - The Definitive User's Guide and Databook
Moore, Albert L., 2006
Fluoroplastics, Volume 1 - Non-Melt Processible Fluoroplastics
Ebnesajjad, S., 2000
Fluoropolymers Applications in Chemical Processing Industries - The Definitive User's Guide and Databook
Ebnesajjad, Sina; Khaladkar, Pradip R., 2005
Handbook of fillers
George Wypych, 1999
Handbook of fillers
George Wypych, 1999
Handbook of mold, tool and die repair welding
Steve Thompson, 1999
Handbook of Mold, Tool and Die Repair Welding
Steve Thompson, 1999
Handbook of Mold, Tool and Die Repair Welding (Welding & Metallurgy)
Steve Thompson, 1999
Imaging and Image Analysis Applications for Plastics
Pourdeyhimi, B. (Eds.), 1999
Medical Plastics - Degradation Resistance & Failure Analysis
Portnoy, R.C., 1998
Melt processible fluoropolymers : the definitive user's guide and databook
Ebnesajjad, Sina, 2003
Metallocene Technology in Commercial Applications
Benedikt, G.M., Dr.(Eds.), 1999
Paint and Surface Coatings, Second Edition: Theory and Practice
R. Lambourne, T.A. Strivens, 1999
Permeability and Other Film Properties of Plastics and Elastomers
William Woishnis, 1995
Rotational molding technology
R.J. Crawford, James L. Haber, 2002
Specialized molding techniques: applications, design, materials and processing
Hans-Peter Heim, H. Haber, 2003