انتشارات Rice University

Limited-Dependent and Qualitative Variables in Econometrics
G. S. Maddala, 1983
Microeconometrics - Methods And Applications
A. Colin Cameron, Pravin K. Trivedi, 2005
Microeconometrics - Methods and Applications
A. Colin Cameron, Pravin K. Trivedi, 2005
Microeconometrics and MATLAB: An Introduction
Abi Adams, Damian Clarke, Simon Quinn, 2016
Microeconometrics. Methods and applications
A. Colin Cameron, Pravin K. Trivedi, 2005
Modeling Count Data
Joseph M. Hilbe, 2014
Mostly Harmless Econometrics
Joshua D. Angrist, Jorn-Steffen Pischke, 2008
Rational Expectations and Econometric Practice - Volume 2
Robert E. Lucas Jr., Thomas J. Sargent, 1981
Running Randomized Evaluations: A Practical Guide
Rachel Glennerster, Kudzai Takavarasha, 2013
Semiparametric regression for the applied econometrician
Adonis Yatchew, 2003
Simulation-based econometric methods
Christian Gouriéroux, Alain Monfort, 1997
Statistical Foundations Of Econometric Modelling
Aris Spanos, David Hendry, 1989
Statistical Foundations of Econometric Modelling
Aris Spanos, 1989
Structural Macroeconometrics
David N. DeJong and Chetan Dave, 2007
Testing Macroeconometric Models
Ray Fair, 1998
Testing Macroeconometric Models
Ray Fair, 1998
Testing macroeconometric models
Ray Fair, 1998
The Econometrics of Individual Risk: Credit, Insurance, and Marketing
Christian Gourieroux, Joann Jasiak, 2007
Theoretical And Empirical Exercises in Econometrics
Nlandu Mamingi, 2005
Введение в эконометрику: Пер. с англ
Кристофер Дагерти, 1992
Hedge funds in emerging markets
Gordon de Brouwer, 2001
Investment: A History
Norton Reamer, Jesse Downing, 2016