انتشارات Routledge, Taylor

The French Revolution (Routledge Classics)
Georges Lefebvre, 2005
The Geopolitics Reader
Dalby, Simon, 1998
The Basics of English Usage
Wynford Hicks, 2009
The aging consumer : perspectives from psychology and economics
Aimee Leigh Drolet, 2010
Teacher Preparation for Linguistically Diverse Classrooms: A Resource for Teacher Educators
Tamara Lucas (Editor), 2011
Sustainability in Coffee Production
Biswas-Tortajada, 2015
Studies in General and English Phonetics: Essays in Honour of Professor J.D. O'Connor
Jack Windsor Lewis (Editor), 1995
Style and rhetoric of short narrative fiction covert progressions behind overt plots
Shen, Dan &, 2014
Sulla: The Last Republican
Arthur Keaveney, 2005
Belonging : a culture of place
hooks, bell, 2008
Speech Sounds (Language Workbooks)
Patricia Ashby, 1995
Concise Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Editor-Routledge, 2000
A Modern Course in English Syntax
Herman Wekker, 1985
An Historical Study of English: Function, Form and Change
Jeremy Smith, 1996
An introduction to nineteenth century art
Facos, 2011