انتشارات Sage Hill, Llc

Doing Conversation Analysis: A Practical Guide
Paul ten Have, 2007
Ethics in Qualitative Research: Controversies and Contexts
Martyn Hammersley, Anna Traianou, 2012
Art Therapy, Research and Evidence-based Practice
Dr Andrea Gilroy, 2006
Analyzing Talk in the Social Sciences: Narrative, Conversation and Discourse Strategies
Katherine Bischoping, Amber Gazso, 2015
Advertising in Modern and Postmodern Times
Dr Pamela Odih, 2007
Advertising: A Cultural Economy
Liz McFall, 2004
Developing Advertising with Qualitative Market Research
Judith Wardle, 2002
Encyclopedia of Public Relations
Dr. Robert L. Heath, 2004
Encyclopedia of Public Relations
Dr. Robert L. Heath, 2004
Implementing and Managing eGovernment: An International Text
Prof Richard Heeks, 2005
Analyzing Complex Survey Data
Dr. Eun Sul Lee, Dr. Ronald N. Forthofer, 2005
Encyclopedia of Human Geography
Barney Warf, 2006
Encyclopedia of Human Geography
Barney Warf, 2006
Global Management: Universal Theories and Local Realities
Stewart R Clegg, Eduardo Ibarra Colado, Luis Bueno-Rodriquez, 1999
Getting Your PhD: A Practical Insider's Guide (Survival Skills for Scholars)
Dr Harriet Churchill, Dr Teela Sanders, 2007
Buddhism in India: Challenging Brahmanism and Caste
Gail Omvedt, 2003
Discourse Analysis as Theory and Method
Marianne W Jorgensen, Dr Louise J Phillips, 2002
The academic's guide to publishing
Dr Rob Kitchin, Dr Duncan Fuller, 2005
The Academic's Guide to Publishing
Nancy Cartwright, 2005
The Essential Guide to Doing Research
Richard Dawkins, 2004
200 Science Investigations for Young Students: Practical Activities for Science 5 - 11
Dr Martin W Wenham, 2000
A Handbook for Social Science Field Research: Essays & Bibliographic Sources on Research Design and Methods
Ellen Perecman, Dr. Sara R. Curran, 2006