انتشارات Sheffield Academic Pr

The Syntax of the Verb in Classical Hebrew Prose
Alviero Niccacci, 1990
Pentecostalism in context : essays in honor of William W. Menzies
Wonsuk Ma (editor); Robert Paul Menzies (editor); William W. Menzies, 1997
The Missionary Emphasis of Lukan Pneumatology
John Michael Penney, 1995
The Spirit, Pathos, and Liberation: Toward a Hispanic Pentecostal Theology
Samuel Solivan, 1998
Rites in the Spirit : a ritual approach to pentecostal/charismatic spirituality
Daniel E. Albrecht, 1999
Religious Texts from Ugarit: 2nd Edition
Nicolas Wyatt, 2002
Luke: A New Paradigm
Michael D. Goulder, 1989
Story of Christ in the Ethics of Paul and Analysis of the Function
Stephen E Fowl, 1990
Introducing Feminist Theology
Lisa Isherwood; Dorothea McEwan, 1993
Is There a Future for Feminist Theology?
Deborah F. Sawyer and Diane M. Collier, 1999
Myth and History in the Bible
Giovanni Garbini, 2003
The History of Ancient Palestine from the Palaeolithic Period to Alexander's Conquest (JSOT SUPPLEMENT SERIES 146)
Goska W. Ahlstrom, Gary O. Rollefson, Diana Edelman (editor), 1992
A Feminist Companion to Genesis
Athalya Brenner (ed), 1998
Spirit and renewal : essays in honor of J. Rodman Williams
Mark W. Wilson (editor), 1994
All together in one place: Theological papers from the Brighton Conference on World Evangelization
Peter Hunter, Harold D.;Hocken, 1993
Reading Law: The Rhetorical Shaping of the Pentateuch
James W. Watts, 1999
Historical Jesus: A Sheffield Reader
Craig A. Evans (Editor), Stanley E. Porter (Editor), 1995
The Interpretation of the Bible: The International Symposium in Slovenia
Jože Krašovec, 1999
Idioms of the Greek New Testament
Stanley E. Porter, 1992