انتشارات Sheffield Academic Pr

The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew: Zayin-Teth
Clines, 1996
The Esther Scroll: The Story of the Story (JSOT Supplement Series)
David J. A. Clines, 1984
The New Literary Criticism and the Hebrew Bible
J. Cheryl Exum, 1993
Narrative and Novella in Samuel: Studies by Hugo Gressmann and Other Scholars 1906-1923 (JSOT Supplement)
Edited by David M. Gunn, 1991
Biblical form criticism in its context
Martin J. Buss, 1999
Biblical Hebrew in Transition: The Language of the Book of Ezekiel
Mark F. Rooker, 1990
House of God or House of David: The Rhetoric of 2 Samuel 7 (JSOT Supplement)
Lyle Eslinger, 1994
God in the Dock: Dialogic Tension in the Psalms of Lament (JSOT Supplement)
Carleen Mandolfo, 2003
The Triumph of Irony in the Book of Judges
L.R. Klein, 1989
Moses: Heroic Man, Man of God (JSOT Supplement Series)
George W. Coats, 1987
No Other Gods: Emergent Monotheism in Israel (JSOT Supplement Series)
Robert Karl Gnuse, 1997
Urbanism in the Aegean Bronze Age (Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology)
Keith Branigan, 2001
Judahite Burial Practices and Beliefs About the Dead (JSOT-ASOR Monograph Series 7)
Elizabeth Bloch-Smith, 1991
Creation in Jewish and Christian Tradition (JSOT Supplement Series)
Henning Graf Reventlow, 2002
Prophecy and ethics: Isaiah and the ethical traditions of Israel (JSOT Supplement)
Eryl W. Davies, 1982
Second Temple Studies, Vol. 1: Persian Period (JSOT Supplement)
Philip R. Davies, 1991
The Logic of Incest: A Structuralist Analysis of Hebrew Mythology (JSOT Supplement)
Seth Daniel Kunin, 1995