انتشارات Taylor And Francis, Crc Press

Advanced Skin Cancer: A Case-Based Approach
Debjani Sahni, Adam Lerner, Bilal Fawaz, 2022
Handbook Of Aseptic Processing And Packaging
Jairus R. D. David, Pablo M. Coronel, Josip Simunovic, 2023
Flavonoids: Chemistry, Biochemistry and Applications
Andersen Ø.M., Markham K.R. (ed.), 2006
Woman-Centered Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth
Sara Shields, Lucy Candib, 2010
100 cases in clinical medicine
Kosky, Christopher; Pattison, James M.; Rees, John, 2014
Controlling salmonella in poultry production and processing
Scott M Russell, 2012
An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology: Processes and Disorders
David Groome et al., c2014
Social Psychology: A General Reader
Arie W. Kruglanski, E. Tory Higgins (Editors), 2003
Room acoustics
Heinrich Kuttruff, 2009
Engineering noise control, theory and practice
David A Bies, 2009
Web based energy information and control systems: case studies and applications
B. L. Capehart, 2005
The intensity interferometer; its application to astronomy
Hanbury Brown, 1974
Spon's External Works and Landscape Price Book 2009
Davis Langdon, 2008
Introduction to Tunnel Construction (Applied Geotechnics)
David Chapman, 2010
Field Archaeology - An Introduction
Peter L. Drewett, 2001
Schizophrenia : the final frontier : a festschrift for Robin M. Murray
Kapur, Shitij, 2011
Improving Teaching and Learning in the Humanities
Martin Ashley, 1999