انتشارات The American Mathematical Society

Linear and Quasi Linear Evolution Equations in Hilbert Spaces
Pascal Cherrier, 2012
Four-manifold theory
Cameron Gordon, 1984
Four-manifold theory
Cameron Gordon, 1984
Consequences of the axiom of choice
Paul Howard, 1998
Lectures on chaotic dynamical systems
V. S. Afraimovich, 2003
Lectures on chaotic dynamical systems
V. S. Afraimovich, 2003
Index theory, coarse geometry, and topology of manifolds
John Roe, 1996
Index theory, coarse geometry, and topology of manifolds
John Roe, 1996
Index Theory, Coarse Geometry, and Topology of Manifolds
John Roe, 1996
Lectures on coarse geometry
John Roe, 2003
Lectures on coarse geometry
John Roe, 2003
Partial Differential Operators of Elliptic Type
Norio Shimakura, 1992
Partial Differential Operators of Elliptic Type
Nirio Shimakura, 1992
Ergodic theory of equivariant diffeomorphisms
Mike Field, 2004
Pfaff's problem and its generalizations
J. A. Schouten, 1969
Lectures on Linear Partial Differential Equations
Gregory Eskin, 2011
Linear and Quasi-linear Equations of Parabolic Type
Ladyženskaja, O. A., 1968
Evolution Semigroups in Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations
Carmen Chicone, 1999
Nonlinear partial differential equations in differential geometry
Robert Hardt, 1995
Modules over non-Noetherian domains
László Fuchs, 2000
Modules over Non-Noetherian Domains (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 84)
László Fuchs, 2000
Functional Analysis An Introduction
Yuli Eidelman, 2004