انتشارات The American Mathematical Society

Crossed products of C*-algebras
Dana P. Williams, 2007
Crossed products of C-star algebras
Dana P. Williams, 2007
Crossed Products of C^* Algebras
Dana P. Williams, 2007
Models of Conflict and Cooperation
Rick Gillman, 2009
Lectures on Differential Geometry
Shlomo Sternberg, 1964
General theory of quantized fields
Res Jost, 1965
Grundlagen der Analysis
Edmund Landau, 1965
Hilbert C*-Modules
Vladimir Markovich Manuǐlov, 2005
Moments in Mathematics
Henry J. Landau, 1987
Moments in Mathematics
Henry J. Landau (ed.), 1987
Control and nonlinearity
Jean-Michel Coron, 2007
Hereditary Noetherian prime rings and idealizers
Lawrence S. Levy, 2011
Hereditary Noetherian prime rings and idealizers
Lawrence S. Levy, 2011
Complex Made Simple
David C. Ullrich, 2008
Orientation and the Leray-Schauder Theory for Fully Nonlinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems
Fitzpatrick, Patrick, 1993
Control and Nonlinearity (Mathematical Surveys and Monographs)
Jean-Michel Coron, 2007
Convex Analysis: Theory and Applications
G. G. Magaril-Ilyaev, 2003
Convex analysis: theory and applications
G. G. Magaril-Ilyaev, 2003
Finite Fields and Applications
Gary L. Mullen, 2007
Finite fields and applications
Gary L. Mullen, 2007
Fourier Analysis
Javier Duoandikoetxea (writ.), 2000
Fourier Analysis
Javier Duoandikoetxea (writ.), 2000
Functional analysis: An introduction
Yuli Eidelman, 2004