انتشارات Thomas Telford

Choosing the Right NEC Contract
BSc DIC CEng FICE FIStructE ACIArb B. Weddell, 2006
Concrete reinforcement corrosion ICE design and practice
Voller, S.; Whapples, Chris, 2009
Conditions of Contract for Plant and Design-build for Electrical and Mechanical Works and for Building and Engineering Works Designed by the Contractor
Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs Conseils ( FIDIC ), 1999
Designers Guide to EN 1991-1-2, EN 1992-1-2, EN 1993-1-2 and EN 1994-1-2 Handbook for the Fire Design of Steel, Composite and Concrete Structures to the Eurocodes
D. Moore, C. Bailey, T. Lennon, Y. Wang, 2007
Water resources and reservoir engineering : proceedings of the Seventh Conference of the British Dam Society held at the University of Stirling, 24-27 June 1992
Walker, Susan; Parr, Noel M.; Charles, J. Andrew, 1992
Hydraulic Design of Side Weirs
B C Bromwich, CE Rickard, Y Gasowski, R W P May, 2003
Tables for the Hydraulic Design of Pipes, Sewers and Channels Pt. 1, v. 1
D. I. H. Barr, H. R. Wallingford, 1998
Tables for the Hydraulic Design of Pipes, Sewers and Channels Pt.1, v.2
Barr, D. I. H, 1998
Advanced Structural Mechanics
David Johnson, 2000
Infoculture: Information Technology in the Construction Industry
Stephen Vincent, Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick, 1998
Structural steel design to BS 5950, part 1
Weller, Alan; Joannides, Frixos, 2002
Appraisal and Repair of Timber Structures
Ross, Peter, 2002
FIDIC Client Consultant Model Services Agreement
Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs Conseils, 1998
FIDIC Conditions for EPC Turnkey Projects: Silver
Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs Conseils, 1999
FIDIC Conditions of Contract for Construction
Federation Internationale des Ingenieurs Conseils, 1999
Appraisal and Repair of Reinforced Concrete
Holland, Robert, 1997
Concrete Durability - A Practical Guide to the Design of Durable Concrete Structures
Marios Soutsos, M.N. Soutsos, 2009
Concrete durability : a practical guide to the design of durable concrete structures
Soutsos, Marios, 2010
Finite Element Design of Concrete Structures
G.A. Rombach, 2004
Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Post-Tensioned Concrete Structures
Federation Internationale de la Precontrainte, 1986
Ultimate limit-state design of concrete structures : a new approach
Michael D. Kotsovos, Milija N. Pavlovic, 1999