انتشارات Thomas Telford

Adjudication for Architects and Engineers
John Timpson, B.W. Totterdill, Roger Dyer, 1999
Best practice partnering in social housing development
Martyn Jones, Vic O'Brien, 2003
Evacuation of Sediments from Reservoirs
Rodney White, 2001
Advanced groundwater remediation : active and passive technologies
McDonald, Chris; Meggyes, T.; Simon, Franz-Georg, 2002
Condensed Silica Fume in Concrete, FIP State of the Art Report
CEB FIP FIP Commission on Concrete, 1988
Finite Element Analysis in Geotechnical Engineering: Volume Two - Application
D. M. Potts, L. Zdravkovic, 1999
Control of Groundwater
Quinion, David W.; Quinion, G. R, 1987
Design of Linear Drainage Systems
Dr Matin Naqvi, 2003
Land drainage and flood defence responsibilities
Lutton, Melinda, 2010
Land drainage and flood defence responsibilities : a practical guide
Institution of Civil Engineers, 1996
Earthquake Design Practice For Buildings, 2nd Edition
E. Booth, D. Key, 2006
Designing Streets For People: Ideas and Recommendations on how to Transform our Streets into Places
Urban Design Alliance, 2002
Graphics For Urban Design
B. Meeda, 2007
A short course in soil-structure engineering of deep foundations, excavations and tunnels
Menzies, Bruce Keith, 2004