انتشارات Two Plus Two Pub

‘Go Out and Study the Land’ (Judges 18:2): Archaeological, Historical and Textual Studies in Honor of Hanan Eshel
Aren M. Maeir, Jodi Magness, Lawrence H. Schiffman, 2011
A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics
David Crystal, 2008
From Case to Adposition: The development of configurational syntax in Indo-European languages
John Hewson, Vit Bubenik, 2006
Semantic Theories in Europe, 1830-1930: From Etymology to Contextuality
Brigitte Nerlich, 1992
A Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology
Pierre Grimal, Stephen Kershaw, Stephen Kershaw, A. R. Maxwell-Hyslop, 1990
A Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology
Pierre Grimal, Stephen Kershaw, Stephen Kershaw, A. R. Maxwell-Hyslop, 1990
A Concise Dictionary of Classical Mythology
Pierre Grimal, Stephen Kershaw, Stephen Kershaw, A. R. Maxwell-Hyslop, 1990
A Derrida Dictionary
Niall Lucy, 2004
A dictionary of real numbers
J. Borwein, 1990
A Short Grammar of Lithuanian
Terje Mathiassen, 1996
Grammar of Contemporary Polish
Oscar E. Swan, 2003
A Tajik Persian Reference Grammar
John R. Perry, 2005
Altaistik: Turkologie
J. Benzing, A. Von Gabain, O. Pritsak, N. Poppe, K. H. Menges, A. Temir, Z. V. Togan, F. Taeschner, 1997
Georgian: A Reading Grammar
Howard I. Aronson, 1990
Aesthetic Value in Classical Antiquity
Ineke Sluiter, Ralph M. Rosen, 2012
Ancient and Early Medieval Chinese Literature: A Reference Guide - Part Two
David R. Knechtges, Taiping Chang (Editors), 2013
Ancient Israelite And Early Jewish Literature: Tenth, Completely Revised Edition of Oud-Israëlitische en vroeg-joodse literatuur
T.C. Vriezen, A.S. van der Woude; Translated by Brian Doyle, 2004
Aristotle Poetics: Editio Maior of the Greek Text with Historical Introductions and Philological Commentaries
Leonardo Tarán, Dimitri Gutas, 2012
Brill’s Companion to Greek and Latin Epyllion and Its Reception
Manuel Baumbach, Silvio Bar, 2012
Commenter la Thébaïde (16e–19e s.): Caspar von Barth et la tradition exégétique de Stace
Valéry Berlincourt, 2013
Die dramatische Zeit in Senecas Tragödien
Andreas Heil, 2013
Crystalline Lifetime: Fragments of Asperger Syndrome
Luke Jackson, 2006
Conspiracy Game
Christine Feehan, 2006
Ex, Why, And Me
Susanna Carr, 2006