انتشارات University Press Of America, Inc.

Black Vanguards and Black Gangsters: From Seeds of Discontent to a Declaration of War
Steven R. Cureton, 2011
The Persian War of the Emperor Maurice (582-602)
Martin Joseph Higgins, 1939
Logic as a Liberal Art: An Introduction to Rhetoric and Reasoning
Rollen Edward Houser, 2019
The End of French Rule in Cameroon
Martin Atangana, 2010
Beauty and the Good: Recovering the Classical Tradition from Plato to Duns Scotus
Alice M. Ramos (editor), 2020
From the Shtetl to the Lecture Hall: Jewish Women and Cultural Exchange
Luise Hirsch, 2013
Mainstreaming: Feminist Research for Teaching Religious Studies
Arlene Swidler; Walter E. Conn, 1985
The Travels of Reverend Ólafur Egilsson
Ólafur Egilsson
The Great Famine & Genocide in Iran: 1917-1919: 1917-1919
Mohammad Gholi Majd, 2013
Anselm's Pursuit of Joy: A Commentary on the "Proslogion"
Gavin R. Ortlund, 2020
Weakness of Will From Plato to the Present
Tobias Hoffmann, 2008
Studies in Medieval Philosophy
John F. Wippel, 2018
Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas - From Finite Being to Uncreated Being
John F. Wippel, 2000
The Garden of God: Toward a Human Ecology
Benedict XVI, 2014
The Trinity: An Introduction to Catholic Doctrine on the Triune God
Gilles Emery; Matthew Levering, 2011
The Retractions (Fathers of the Church 60)
Augustine of Hippo; Mary Inez Bogan, 1999
Introduction to Moral Theology
Romanus Cessario, 2001
The Mind That Is Catholic: Philosophical & Political Essays
James V. Schall, 2008
Reason, Revelation, and Metaphysics: The Transcendental Analogies
Montague Brown (author), 2020
The Ethos of Drama: Rhetorical Theory and Dramatic Worth
Robert L. King, 2010
Inquiry About the Monks in Egypt
Rufinus of Aquileia; Andrew Cain, 2019
The Hero's Place: Medieval Literary Traditions of Space and Belonging
Molly Robinson Kelly, 2009
The Beautiful, The True and the Good: Studies in the History of Thought
Robert E. Wood, 2015