انتشارات Us Government Printing Office

Design of Small Dams (Water Resources Technical Publication Series)
US Department of Interior, 1987
Agriculture Fact Book 2001-2002
Ann M. Veneman, 2003
Handbook of South American Indians. Vol. 3. The Tropical Forest
Julian H. Steward (ed.), 1948
American Industry in the War: A Report of the War Industries Board
Bernard M. Baruch, 1921
Burma, 1942
Clayton R. Newell, 1994
100 years of Marine Corps aviation : an illustrated history
Roxanne M Kaufman, 2011
Saddam's War: An Iraqi Mililtary Perspective of the Iran-Iraq War
Kevin M. Woods, 2009
American Armies and Battlefields in Europe
Center of Military History, 1938
Russian-Soviet Unconventional Wars in the Caucasus, Central Asia & Afghanistan
Robert F. Baumann, 1993
Pharmacology And Toxicology of Amphetamine And Related Designer Drugs
17024013862, 1989
Army List and Directory
United States War Department, 1933
Japanese defense against amphibious operations
War Department. Military Intelligence Division, 1945
Poisonous Snakes of the World; A Manual for Use by the U. S. Amphibious Forces
Bureau of Medicine, 1968
South to the Naktong, north to the Yalu: (June-November 1950)
Roy Edgar Appleman, 1961
Truce tent and fighting front
Walter G. Hermes, 1966
Symbols of the United States Government: Ben's Activity Book
United States Government Printing Office, 2004
Freedom From War. The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World
Department of State Publication, 1961
Defense of the Americas
Charles Edward Kirkpatrick, 1991
Central Burma, Volume 5
George L. MacGarrigle, 1996
Central Europe
Edward N. Bedessem, 1996