انتشارات W. H. Freeman And Co.

Elementary classical analysis
Jerrold E. Marsden, 1974
Biological physics. Energy, information, life
Nelson P., 2003
The Solution of Equations in Integers
A. O. Gelfond, 1961
Numerical Taxonomy: The Principles and Practice of Numerical Classification
Peter H. A. Sneath, 1973
Environmental Chemistry
Colin Baird, 2008
Environmental chemistry
Colin Baird, 2012
The Basic Practice of Statistics
David S. Moore, 2006
The Basic Practice of Statistics
David S. Moore, 2009
The Complete Guide to Game Audio
Jeff Rona, 2000
The Economy of Nature
Robert E. Ricklefs, 2008
The Fundamentals of Stellar Astrophysics
G. Collins, 2003
The lady tasting tea: how statistics revolutionized science
David Salsburg, 2001
The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century
David Salsburg, 2001
The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century
David Salsburg, 2001
The Lady Tasting Tea: How Statistics Revolutionized Science in the Twentieth Century
David Salsburg, 2001
The Language of Machines: An Introduction to Computability and Formal Languages
Robert W. Floyd, 1994
The language of mathematics : making the invisible visible
Keith J Devlin, 2000
The Magic Anatomy Book
Carol Donner, 1988
Linear Programming (Series of Books in the Mathematical Sciences)
Vašek Chvátal, 1983
X-ray diffraction in crystals, imperfect crystals, and amorphous bodies
André Guinier, 1963
Principles of Statistical Mechanics
Amnon Katz, 1967
Probability and statistics. The science of uncertainty
Evans M., 2010
Probability and Statistics: The Science of Uncertainty
Michael J. Evans, 2009
Problems in Higher Algebra
d faddeev, 1965