انتشارات Wiley Blackwell Pub.

Advancing Practice in Rehabilitation Nursing
Rebecca Jester, 2007
Advancing Practice in Rehabilitation Nursing
Rebecca Jester, 2007
Care of People with Diabetes: A Manual of Nursing Practice
Trisha Dunning, 2013
Care of People with Diabetes: A Manual of Nursing Practice Third Edition
Trisha Dunning, 2009
The Septins
Peter A. Hall, 2008
Breast Cancer Nursing Care and Management
Victoria Harmer, 2011
Comic Relief: A Comprehensive Philosophy of Humor
John Morreall, 2009
Children and Young People's Nursing at a Glance
Alan Glasper, 2014
Ethics, Technology, and Engineering: An Introduction
Ibo van de Poel, 2011
Design, Evaluation, and Translation of Nursing Interventions
Souraya Sidani, 2011
Developing Nursing Practice with Children and Young People
Hughes, Jane, 2009
Equine Veterinary Nursing
Karen Coumbe, 2012
Essentials for Occupational Health Nursing
Arlene Guzik(auth.), 2013
Evidence-Based Nursing Care for Stroke and Neurovascular Conditions
Sheila A. Alexander, 2013
Natural Resource and Environmental Economics
Tony Prato, 1998
Fundamentals of Nursing Models, Theories and Practice
Hugh McKenna, 2014
Substance Use and Older People
Ilana Crome, 2015
200 contractual problems and their solutions
Roger Knowles, 2012
200 Contractual Problems and their Solutions, Third Edition
Roger Knowles(auth.), 2012
Ozonation of Drinking Water and of Wastewater
Christiane Gottschalk, 2000