نتایج جستجو

The Handbook of Photography Studies
Gil Pasternak (editor), 2020
The global rise of authoritarianism in the 21st century crisis of neoliberal globalization and the nationalist response
Berch Berberoglu (editor), 2020
Videogames for Humans: Twine Authors in Conversation
merritt kopas (editor), 2015
Pain Management and Palliative Care: A Comprehensive Guide
Kimberly A. Sackheim (Editor), 2015
What's Next? - The Mathematical Legacy of William P. Thurston
Dylan Thurston (editor), 2020
Il quaderno nero
Nina Berberova, J. Dobrovolskaja (editor), 2000
Esodo. Traduzione e commento
Martin Noth (editor), 2000
A Roadmap on Smart Textiles
Anne Schwarz (Editor), 2010
A Systems Approach to the Environmental Analysis of Pollution Minimization
Sven E. Jorgensen (Editor), 1999
21st Century Nanoscience – A Handbook-Design Strategies for Synthesis and Fabrication (Volume Two)
Klaus D. Sattler (Editor), 2019
21st Century Nanoscience - A Handbook-Advanced Analytic Methods and Instrumentation (Volume 3)
Klaus D. Sattler (Editor), 2020
21st Century Nanoscience – A Handbook-Bioinspired Systems and Methods (Volume Seven)
Klaus D. Sattler (Editor), 2020
21st Century Nanoscience – A Handbook-Exotic Nanostructures and Quantum Systems (Volume Five)
Klaus D. Sattler (Editor), 2020
21st Century Nanoscience – A Handbook-Industrial Applications (Volume Nine)
Klaus D. Sattler (Editor), 2020
21st Century Nanoscience – A Handbook-Nanopharmaceuticals, Nanomedicine, and Food Nanoscience (Volume Eight)
Klaus D. Sattler (Editor), 2020
2D and 3D Graphene Nanocomposites-Fundamentals, Design, and Devices
Olga E. Glukhova (Editor), 2019
Two-Dimensional Materials in Nanophotonics-Developments, Devices, and Applications
Yuerui Lu (Editor), 2019
Advances in Audiology and Hearing Science-Volume 2: Otoprotection, Regeneration, and Telemedicine
Stavros Hatzopoulos (Editor), 2020
Advances in crop modelling for a sustainable agriculture
Kenneth Boote (Editor), 2019
Advances in Food Biochemistry
Fatih Yildiz (Editor), 2009
Advances in Nanostructured Composites-Volume 2: Applications of Nanocomposites
Mahmood Aliofkhazraei (Editor), 2019
Advances in Vinegar Production
Argyro Bekatorou (Editor), 2019
Alzheimer's Disease-Current Research In Early Diagnosis
Robert Becker (Editor), 1990
Anionic Surfactants-Analytical Chemistry, Second Edition,
John Cross (Editor), 1998