نتایج جستجو

HOW TO SURVIVE IN FRONT OF A MONITOR: movement strategies in everyday life (Feldenkrais based)
Fernanda Grossi; Lucy Lenzi, 2015
The Breathing Book: A Practical Guide to Natural Breathing (Feldenkrais based)
Brad Thompson, 2011
Body and Voice: Somatic Re-Education (Feldenkrais based)
Marina Gilman, 2014
The Ezekiel Code: A Vision of Living Bones (Feldenkrais inspired)
David Kaetz, 2014
Relaxercise: The Easy New Way to Health and Fitness (Feldenkrais based)
David Zemach-Bersin; Mark Reese, 1989
Conscious Pain & Stress Reduction (Feldenkrais based)
Paul J Tank, 2012
A New SENSORY Self-Awareness: Tools to Experience the Body-To-Brain Connection (Feldenkrais based)
Catherine Mitchell, 2012
Outsmarting Lower Back Pain (Feldenkrais based)
Gordon Browne, Julie Browne, 2005
A Manual Therapist’s Guide to Movement: Teaching Motor Skills to the Orthopaedic Patient (Feldenkrais perspective)
Gordon Browne; Darlene Hertling, 2005
Feldenkrais and Body Image
Hans Staffan Elgelid, 1999