نتایج جستجو

The Rise of the Inquisition: An Introduction to the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions
Juan Marcos Bejarano Gutierrez, 2017
Sing Without Shame: Oral Traditions in Indo-Portuguese Creole Verse
Kenneth David Jackson
The Marrano Factory: The Portuguese Inquisition and Its New Christians, 1536–1765
António José Saraiva; H.P. Salomon; I.S.D. Sassoon, 2001
Fiódor Dostoiévski: Os Irmãos Karamazov (Portuguese Edition)
Fiódor Dostoiévski, 2016
The Modern Portuguese Economy In The Twentieth And Twenty-First Centuries
Luciano Amaral, 2019
O Paraíso Perdido, John Milton ( Ediouro) - John Milton’s Paradise Lost: A Literal translation for portuguese in prose text
John Milton; Conceição G. Sotto Maior, 1677/1966
Introduction to Algebra: Portuguese version
Rui L. Fernandes, Manuel Ricou, ?
Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language
Clémence de Jouët-Pastré et al., 2013
CONTROLO 2016: Proceedings of the 12th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control
Paulo Garrido, Filomena Soares, António Paulo Moreira (eds.), 2017
Modern Brazilian Portuguese Grammar Workbook
John Whitlam
A computer validated Portuguese to English transformational grammar
Wyatt, James Larkin, 2017
Bhagavad-Gita As It Is (Portuguese) - Bhagavad-Gita Como Ele É
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, 1974
The New Portuguese Table: Exciting Flavors from Europe’s Western Coast
David Leite; Nuno Correia, 2009
Portuguese colonial cities in the early modern world
Brockey, Liam Matthew, 2016
A frequency dictionary of portuguese
Mark Davies, Ana Maria de Oliveira Raposo Preto-Bay
O Direito Da sociedade
Niklas Luhmann,Saulo Krieger (Portuguese Translator), Alexandre Agnolon (Latin Citations Translator), 2016
A Estrutura Lógica da Consciência (Portuguese Edition)
michael starks, 2020
Portuguese Modernisms: Multiple Perspectives in Literature and the Visual Arts
Steffen Dix (editor), Jerónimo Pizarro (editor), 2010
The Portuguese at War: From the Nineteenth Century to the Present Day
Nuno Severiano Teixeira, 2019