نتایج جستجو

Mujeres indígenas y justicia ancestral
Miriam Lang, Anna Kucia (eds.), Teresa Sierra, Aura Cumes, Valentín Ticona, Elisa Canqui, Lourdes Tibán, Jaime Vintimilla, Andrea Pequeño, Graciela Zolezzi, Filomena Nina, Miriam Lang, Cristina Cucuri, Inés Bonilla, Rosa Ramos, Norma Mayo, Rosa Andi, Gilberto Grefa, Isabel Domínguez, Justa Cabrera, Claribel Yarari, Dalila Morales, Elva Yagkikat, Angélica Cabezudo, Bilda Tovar, Bernadita Remuy, Miguel Valbuena, Dominga Vázquez, Ofelia Baltasar, Juana Bacá, Juana Batzibal, José Zapeta, Omayra Casa, 2009
Post-Modern Algebra
Jonathan D. H. Smith, Anna B. Romanowska, 1999
Declinazioni della voce e forme dell'io nella letteratura moderna
Anna Dolfi, 2024
Powers, Parts and Wholes: Essays on the Mereology of Powers
Christopher J. Austin; Anna Marmodoro; Andrea Roselli, 2024
Screening the Creative Process: Genius, Gender, and the Contemporary Biopic
Anna Baccanti, 2023
Social Problems: Outlines and References
Anna Stewart, 1917
The Anna Magdalena Bach Book of 1725
J.S.Bach, 1997
Posthuman Legalities: New Materialism and Law Beyond the Human
Anna Grear (editor), Emille Boulot (editor), Iván D. Vargas-Roncancio (editor), Joshua Sterlin (editor), 2021
The Bishop Reformed: Studies of Episcopal Power and Culture in the Central Middle Ages (Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West)
John S. Ott (editor), Anna Trumbore Jones (editor), 2007
The Cultural Construction of Hidden Spaces: Essays on Pockets, Pouches and Secret Drawers (Spatial Practices, 40)
James Brown (editor), Anna Jamieson (editor), Naomi Segal (editor), 2024
Le radici filosofiche della professione medica
Vincenzo Esposito (editor), Ludovica Gaudino (editor), Anna Gorrese (editor), 2024
Studying the Bible: The Tanakh and Early Christian Writings
Gregory Eiselein, Anna Goins, Naomi J. Wood, 2019
Wir und die Anderen: Visuelle Kultur zwischen Aneignung und Ausgrenzung
Anna Schober (editor), Brigitte Hipfl (editor), 2020
Calculating Ethics in the Fourteenth Century
Anna Lukács (editor), Monika Michałowska (editor), 2024
Private equity e venture capital. Manuale di investimento nel capitale di rischio. Ediz. ampliata
Anna Gervasoni, Fabio L. Sattin, 2020
Anna Bolena, una questione di famiglia
Hilary Mantel, 2013
Person (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics)
Anna Siewierska, 2004
Medycyna fizykalna
Gerard Straburzyński, Anna Straburzyńska-Lupa
The Forever Wardrobe: Find Your Style. Transform Your Clothes. Save Time and Money
Anna Cascarina, 2024
Reactive Systems: Modelling, Specification and Verification
Luca Aceto, Anna Ingólfsdóttir, Kim Guldstrand Larsen, Jiri Srba, 2007
Low Intensity Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: A Practitioner′s Guide
Mark Papworth, Theresa Marrinan, Brad Martin, Dominique Keegan, Anna Chaddock, 2013
Storia naturale. Libri 20-27. Botanica. Con testo latino a fronte
Plinio il Vecchio, Gaio Plinio Secondo, Andrea Aragosti (editor), Anna Maria Cotrozzi (editor), Paola Cosci (editor), Francesco Lechi (editor), Marco Fantuzzi (editor), Giuliano Ranucci (editor), Alessandro Barchiesi (editor), Gian Biagio Conte (editor), 1997