نتایج جستجو

Русские фольклористы: Биобиблиографический словарь. XVIII—XIX вв. : в 5 т. T. 1 : А—Г
под ред. Т. Г. Ивановой, 2016
Implementing Culture Change in Long-Term Care : Benchmarks and Strategies for Management and Practice
Elaine Jurkowski; Phd Elaine T Jurkowski Msw, 2013
3000 Years of Analysis: Mathematics in History and Culture
Thomas Sonar, 2021
Spectacle and the City : Chinese Urbanities in Art and Popular Culture
Jeroen de Kloet; Lena Scheen, 2013
The Pale God: Israeli Secularism and Spinoza's Philosophy of Culture
Gideon Katz, 2011
Western Water A to Z: The History, Nature, and Culture of a Vanishing Resource
Robert R Crifasi, 2023
The Pontificate of Clement VII: History, Politics, Culture
Kenneth Gouwens, Sheryl E. Reiss (eds.), 2016
Skin Theory: Visual Culture and the Postwar Prison Laboratory
Cristina Mejia Visperas, 2022
Традиционное и нетрадиционное в культуре России
Кондаков И.В. (ред), 2008
Building a Culture of Patient Safety Through Simulation : An Interprofessional Learning Model
Kathleen Gallo; Lawrence G. Smith, 2014
Retooling the Humanities: The Culture of Research in Canadian Universities
Daniel Coleman & Smaro Kamboureli (eds.), 2011
Handbook of Mindfulness: Culture, Context, and Social Engagement
Ronald E. Purser; David Forbes; Adam Burke, 2016
The Free Market and the Human Condition : Essays on Economics and Culture
Lee Trepanier; Jeremy Beer; Bryce Christensen; Kirk Fitzpatrick; Pamela Hood; William H. Krieger; Peter McNamara; Emily Sullivan; Lee Trepanier, 2014
Crossing Cultures : Insights from Master Teachers
Nakiye Avdan Boyacigiller; Richard Alan Goodman; Margaret E. Phillips, 2004
Suspect Cultures: Narrative, Identity, and Citation in 1990s New Drama
Clare Wallace, 2006
The Dictionary of Alternatives: Utopianism and Organization
Martin Parker; Valérie Fournier; Patrick Reedy, 2007
Arabic-English Dictionary of Qur'anic Usage
Elsaid M. Badawi; Muhammad A.S. Abdel Haleem, 2007
Consequential Leadership : 15 Leaders Fighting for Our Cities, Our Poor, Our Youth and Our Culture
Mac Pier; Bob Buford; Kevin Palau, 2012
Gelişim Hachette Alfabetik Genel Kültür Ansiklopedisi Cilt 10 (Rol-Stoc)
Yayın Kurulu, 1993
Kazım Mirşan
Cross-Cultural Competence for a Twenty-First-Century Military : Culture, the Flipside of COIN
Robert Greene Sands; Allison Greene-Sands, 2013