نتایج جستجو

Consumer Research Methods in Food Science
Carlos Gómez-Corona, Heber Rodrigues, 2023
Understanding Linguistic Prejudice: Critical Approaches to Language Diversity in Brazil
Gladis Massini-Cagliari, Rosane Andrade Berlinck, Angelica Rodrigues, 2023
Religious Practices and Everyday Life in the Long Fifteenth Century 1350-1570: Interpreting Changes and Changes of Interpretation (New Communities of Interpretation, 2)
Ian Johnson (editor), Ana Maria S. A. Rodrigues (editor), 2022
Fast Python: High performance techniques for large datasets
Tiago Rodrigues Antao, 2023
Tabelionato de notas
Felipe Leonardo Rodrigues e Paulo Roberto Gaiger Ferreira, 2020
Fast Python: High performance techniques for large datasets
Tiago Rodrigues Antão, 2023
O Reinado da Lua: escultores populares do Nordeste
Silvia Coimbra Rodrigues; Flávia Martins de Albuquerque; Letícia Duarte, 2010
Our Beloved Polites: Studies Presented to P.J. Rhodes
Delfim Leao (editor), Daniela Ferreira (editor), Nuno Simoes Rodrigues (editor), Rui Morais (editor), 2022
Lost Land of the Dodo: An Ecological History of Mauritius, Réunion & Rodrigues
Anthony Cheke; Julian Hume, 2010
Indian Media in a Globalised World
Maya Ranganathan, Usha M. Rodrigues, 2010
Tradução e Diferença
Cristina Carneiro Rodrigues, 1999
EUROBATS 6. Guidelines for consideration of bats in wind farm projects. Revision 2014
Luisa Rodrigues, L. Bach, M.J. Dubourg-Savage, B. Karapandza, D. Kovac, T. Kervin, J. Dekker, A. Kepel, P. Bach, J. Collins, C. Harbush, K. Park, B. Micevski, J. Minderman, 2015
Cyber Security and Digital Forensics: Proceedings of ICCSDF 2021 (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies)
Kavita Khanna (editor), Vania Vieira Estrela (editor), Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues (editor), 2021
EUROBATS 2. Protecting and managing underground sites for bats
Tony Mitchell-Jones, Zoltán Bihari, Matti Masing, Luísa Rodrigues, 2017
Fungal Extracellular Vesicles: Biological Roles (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 432)
Marcio Rodrigues (editor), Guilhem Janbon (editor), 2021
Ceres Colony Cavalier; A True Account Of One Man's Twenty Year Abduction
Tony Rodrigues, 2021