نتایج جستجو

Ñaimlap: Memoria lambayeque y materialidad histórica / Ñaimlap. Lambayeque Memory and Historical Materiality
Carlos Wester, (ed.); Carlos Wester, Federico Kauffmann, Jeffrey Quilter, Joanne Pillsbury, Alfredo Narváez, Susan Ramírez, Krzysztof Makowski, Miguel Cabello Valboa (auts.), 2021
Explorations in Place Attachment
Jeffrey Smith (editor), 2019
Wild Thought : A New Translation of “La Pensée sauvage”
Claude Lévi-Strauss; Jeffrey Mehlman; John Leavitt, 2021
Mark D. Brewer; Jeffrey M. Stonecash, 2006
McDonald and Avery's Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent, 11th Edition
Jeffrey A. Dean, 2021
A grammar of Pere (Bere, Mbre) of Côte d’Ivoire
Jeffrey Heath, 2019
A Grammar of Jenaama Bozo of Mali, Cliffs variety
Jeffrey Heath, 2019
Against the Christians: The Rise of Early Anti-Christian Polemic
Jeffrey W. Hargis, 1999
Confidentiality and Its Discontents: Dilemmas of Privacy in Psychotherapy
Paul W. Mosher, Jeffrey Berman, 2015
Public Opinion and Democracy in Transitional Regimes: A Comparative Perspective
Juliet Pietsch; Michael Miller; Jeffrey Karp, 2016
Governing New York State, Sixth Edition
Robert F. Pecorella; Jeffrey M. Stonecash, 2012
Kwame Nkrumah: Visions of Liberation
Jeffrey S. Ahlman, 2021
Obama and China's Rise: An Insider's Account of America's Asia Strategy
Jeffrey A. Bader, 2012
Understanding Human Evolution
Jeffrey K. McKee, Frank E. Poirier, W Scott Mcgraw, 2015
La Iglesia en el Perú. Su historia social desde la independencia
Jeffrey Klaiber, SJ, 1987
Jefferson Davis, Napoleonic France, and the Nature of Confederate Ideology, 1815-1870
Jeffrey Zvengrowski, 2020
Hazzard’s Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology, Eighth Edition
Jeffrey B. Halter, Joseph G. Ouslander, Stephanie Studenski, Kevin P. High, Sanjay Asthana, Mark A. Supiano, Christine Ritchie and Kenneth Schmader, 2022
The Terrorist Trap: America's Experience with Terrorism, Second Edition
Jeffrey D. Simon, 2001
De Cupisnique a los incas: el arte del valle de Jequetepeque (La Libertad, Perú). La donación Petrus Fernandini al MALI
Luis Jaime Castillo, Cecilia Pardo, Christopher Donnan, Carlos Elera, Carol Mackey, Jeffrey Quilter, Julio Rucabado, (auts.); Javier Flores, (trad.), 2009
The Challenge of European Integration: Internal and External Problems of Trade and Money
Jeffrey T Richelson; Berhanu Abegaz; Patricia Dillon; David H Feldman, 2021
International Cooperation on WMD Nonproliferation
Jeffrey W. Knopf; Scott A. Jones; William Keller, 2016
Holocaust Fighters: Boxers, Resisters, and Avengers
Jeffrey Sussman, 2021
Subterranean Struggles: New Dynamics of Mining, Oil, and Gas in Latin America
Anthony Bebbington (editor), Jeffrey Bury (editor), 2013