نتایج جستجو

Oxford Studies in Metaphysics
Karen Bennett (editor), Dean W. Zimmerman (editor), 2015
Food Culture Studies in India: Consumption, Representation and Mediation
Simi Malhotra, Kanika Sharma, Sakshi Dogra, 2021
Epilepsy Case Studies: Pearls for Patient Care
William O. Tatum; Joseph I. Sirven; Gregory D. Cascino, 2021
Dalit Studies
Ramnarayan S. Rawat; K. Satyanarayana, 2016
Experiential Marketing; Case Studies in Customer Experience
Wided Batat, 2021
More than Meets the Eye: Studies on Upper Palaeolithic Diversity in the Near East
A. Nigel Goring-Morris, Anna Belfer-Cohen, 2003
An introduction to women's studies
Jennifer Coates; Beryl Madoc-Jones, 1997
The Oxford Handbook of Qur'anic Studies
Mustafa Shah (editor), Muhammad Abdel Haleem (editor), 2020
Issues in feminism : an introduction to women's studies
Sheila Ruth, 2001
Integrating women's studies into the curriculum : a guide and bibliography.
Betty Schmitz, 1985
Studies in art and archaeology of Bihar and Bengal : Nalinikānta Śatavārṣikī, Dr. N.K. Bhattasali centenary volume, 1888-1988
Debala Mitra; Gouriswar Bhattacharya; Nalinīkānta Bhaṭṭaśālī, 1989
Reading Women's Lives: An Interdisciplinary Introduction to Women's Studies
Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs; Mary Margaret Fonow, 1998
Strindberg and the Five Senses: Studies in Strindberg's Chamber Plays
Hans-Goran Ekman, 2001
Counting the people in Hellenistic Egypt 2, Historical Studies
Willy Clarysse; Dorothy J. Thompson; Ulrich Luft, 2006
Genre Fission: A New Discourse Practice for Culture Studies
Marleen S. Barr, 2000
Routledge handbook of critical indigenous studies
Brendan Hokowhitu (editor), 2021
The state and civil society: studies in Hegel's political philosophy
Zbigniew Andrzej Pelczynski, 1984
Divine transcendence and immanence in the work of Thomas Aquinas : a collection of studies presented at the Third Conference of the Thomas Instituut te Utrecht, December 15-17, 2005
Harm J. M. J. Goris; Henk J. M. Schoot; Herwi Rikhof, 2009