نتایج جستجو

Tata Lectures on Theta I
David Mumford, 2006
Tata Lectures on Theta I
David Mumford (auth.), 1983
Tata Lectures on Theta II, Jacobian theta functions and differential equations
David Mumford, 1992
The Best of Management Update 1984-1992 Tata Steel Management Development Centre Compiled by Abhijit Bhaduri
Abhijit Bhaduri (comp.), 1992
JEH’ A Life Of J.R.D.Tata
Bakhtiar K. Dadabhoy, 2005
Igniting Innovation: The Tata Way
Ravi Arora, 2019
Positioning the Tata Nano
Alice M. Tybout, 2014
Sentencing: A Social Process: Re-thinking Research And Policy
Cyrus Tata, 2020
Tata Bahasa Mandar
Abdul Muthalib, Muhammad Sikki, Adnan Usmar, J. S. Sande, 1992
Libro de Cocina de Tata Ogg
Terry Pratchett - Stephen Briggs, 2006
Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia
coll., 2017
Tata Bahasa Sunda
S. Coolsma, 1985
Cinci minute pentru tata. Scrisori către copii. Însemnări pedagogice
Antonio Gramsci, 1974
Tata: The Global Corporation That Built Indian Capitalism
Mircea Raianu, 2021
KAMPUNG HIJAU GAMBIRAN: Praktik Tata Kelola Lingkungan Hidup berbasis Collaborative Governance
David Efendi, Rido Argo Mukti, 2020
The Story of Tata Steel
Verrier Elwin, 1958
JRD Tata and the Ethics of Philanthropy
Sundar Sarukkai, 2020
Doodles on Leadership: Experiences within and beyond Tata
R. Gopalakrishnan, 2019