نتایج جستجو

An introduction to the fractional calculus and fractional differential equations
Kenneth S. Miller, Bertram Ross, 1993
Performance Standards for Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing; Twenty-Fourth Informational Supplement
Jean B. Patel, PhD, D(ABMM) Franklin R. Cockerill III, MD Jeff Alder, PhD Patricia A. Bradford, PhD George M. Eliopoulos, MD Dwight J. Hardy, PhD Janet A. Hindler, MCLS, MT(ASCP) Stephen G. Jenkins, PhD, D(ABMM), F(AAM) James S. Lewis II, PharmD Linda A. Miller, PhD Mair Powell, MD, FRCP, FRCPath Jana M. Swenson, MMSc Maria M. Traczewski, BS, MT(ASCP) John D. Turnidge, MD Melvin P. Weinstein, MD Barbara L. Zimmer, PhD, 2014
Dünndarm B
E. O. Riecken (auth.), W. Bommer, Professor Dr. med. W. F. Caspary, M. Classen, R. Dölp, R. Ecknauer, J. Erckenbrecht, G. E. Feurle, D. Filler, A. Gangl, K. E. Grund, K. Gyr, F. Hagenmüller, V. Helmstädter, H. W. von Heyden, K. Hübner, B. Husemann, F. Kümmerle, V. Lenner, K. Loeschke, H. Lorenz-Meyer, H. Malchow, E. M. H. Mathus-Vliegen, H. Menge, H. Mergerian, B. Miller, U. Rasenack, B. Reichlin, E. O. Riecken, W. Rösch, H. Ruppin, A. Schaudig, H. W. Schreiber, K. H. Soergel, G. N. J. Tytgat, M, 1983
Fundamentals and Applications of Modern Flow Control
Joslin, Ronald D.; Miller, Daniel N.(eds.), 2009
Batman año 1 parte 2
Frank miller y David Mazzucchelli
Batman año uno
Frank Miller
Batman Black and White Vol.2
Frank Miller, Neil Gaiman et al.
Batman: Black & White, Vol. 1
Frank Miller, Neil Gaiman, 2007
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Frank Miller, 1997
Batman: Year One
Frank Miller, 2007
Buddhism and the Emerging World Civilization: Essays in Honor of Nolan Pliny Jacobson
Ramakrishna Puligandla, David Lee Miller, 1995
Deconstruction and Criticism
Harold Bloom, Paul de Man, Jaques Derrida, Geoffrey H. Hartman, J. Hillis Miller, 1979
For Derrida
J. Hillis Miller, 2009
For Derrida
J. Hillis Miller, 2009
Kantian Transpositions: Derrida and the Philosophy of Religion
Eddis N. Miller, 2014
Ο κολοσσός του Μαρουσιού
Χένρυ Μίλλερ (Henry Miller), Ανδρέας Καραντώνης (μετάφραση), 1974
137: Jung, Pauli, and the Pursuit of a Scientific Obsession
Arthur I. Miller, 2010
The Ethics of Consent: Theory and Practice
Franklin Miller, Alan Wertheimer, 2009
Bulk metallic glasses: an overview
Michael Miller, Peter Liaw, 2008
Discover Greece
Korina Miller, Alexis Averbuck, Andrea Schulte-Peevers, Richard Waters, Michael Stamatios Clark, Victoria Kyriakopoulos, Des Hannigan, Kate Armstrong, Chris Deliso, 2012
Case Studies in Project Management - Miller Park Stadium Project
Anbari, Frank T. (Eds.), 2006
Fateful Shapes of Human Freedom: John William Miller and the Crises of Modernity
Vincent Colapietro, 2003
Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring
Roger K. Freeman (ed.), Thomas J. Garite (ed.), Michael P. Nageotte (ed.), Lisa A Miller (ed.), 2012
Modern Genetic Analysis
Anthony J.F. Griffiths, William M. Gelbart, Richard C. Lewontin, Jeffrey H. Miller, 2002