نتایج جستجو

Drinking Water and Health,: Volume 2
Board on Toxicology and Environmental Health Hazards; Assembly of Life Sciences; Safe Drinking Water Committee; National Academy of Sciences,; John Doull, 1980
Classics and the Bible: Hospitality and Recognition
John Taylor, 2011
Computational Sciences - Modelling, Computing and Soft Computing: First International Conference, CSMCS 2020, Kozhikode, Kerala, India, September ... in Computer and Information Science)
Ashish Awasthi (editor), Sunil Jacob John (editor), Satyananda Panda (editor), 2021
Globalisation and the Roman World: World History, Connectivity and Material Culture
Martin Pitts (editor), Miguel John Versluys (editor), 2014
Collaborative Humanities Research and Pedagogy: The Networks of John Matthews Manly and Edith Rickert
Katherine Ellison (editor), Susan M. Kim (editor), 2022
Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management: Conference on Declarative Programming, DECLARE 2019, Unifying INAP, WLP, and WFLP, Cottbus, Germany, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12057)
Petra Hofstedt (editor), Salvador Abreu (editor), Ulrich John (editor), Herbert Kuchen (editor), Dietmar Seipel (editor), 2020
COVID-19 Pandemic, Crisis Responses and the Changing World: Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences
Simon X.B. Zhao (editor), Johnston H.C. Wong (editor), Charles Lowe (editor), Edoardo Monaco (editor), John Corbett (editor), 2021
Handbook of the Economics of Population Aging, Volume 1A and Volume 1B
John Piggott and Alan Woodland, Editors, 2016
Becoming a Neuropsychologist: Advice and Guidance for Students and Trainees
John A. Bellone, Ryan Van Patten, 2021
Elis 1969: The Peneios Valley Rescue Excavation Project: British School at Athens Survey 1967 and Rescue Excavations at Kostoureika and Keramidia 1969
John Ellis Jones, Ourania Kouka, 2016
Criminal Justice, Risk and the Revolt against Uncertainty (Palgrave Studies in Risk, Crime and Society)
John Pratt (editor), Jordan Anderson (editor), 2020
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Economic Management and Green Development (Applied Economics and Policy Studies)
Xiaolong Li (editor), Chunhui Yuan (editor), John Kent (editor), 2024
Ancient Faith and Modern Freedom in John Dryden's the Hind and the Panther
Anne Barbeau Gardiner, 1998
Spatiotemporal Data Analytics and Modeling : Techniques and Applications
John A; Satheesh Abimannan; El-Sayed M. El-Alfy; Yue-Shan Chang, 2024
Business Power and the State in the Central Andes: Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru in Comparison
John Crabtree, Jonas Wolff, Francisco Durand, 2023
The Bishop Reformed: Studies of Episcopal Power and Culture in the Central Middle Ages (Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West)
John S. Ott (editor), Anna Trumbore Jones (editor), 2007