نتایج جستجو

Natural Language Processing in Action, Second Edition MEAP V09
Maria Dyshel and Hobson Lane, 2023
The Roman Senate As Arbiter During the Second Century BC: Two Exemplary Case Studies: the Cippus Abellanus and the Polcevera Tablet (Giornale Italiano ... 21) (English, Italian and Latin Edition)
Valentina Casella, Maria Federica Petraccia, 2019
Healthy Low Carb Keto Snack
Maria Emmerich, 2019
Manuscript, Print and Memory: Relics of the Cankam in Tamilnadu
Eva Maria Wilden, 2014
Russia in 2020 : Scenarios for the Future
Maria Lipman; Nikolay Petrov, 2002
Natural Language Processing in Action, Second Edition MEAP V09
Maria Dyshel and Hobson Lane, 2023
Private Rollsiegel der Frühzeit und des frühen Alten Reiches: Versuch einer Einordnung
Eva-Maria Engel, 2021
Ceremonial-Buch für den Königlich Preußischen Hof, Abschnitt I. - XII.
Rudolf Maria Bernhard von Stillfried-Alcantara, 1877
Iulius Paulus: Ad edictum libri IV-XVI
Martina Beggiato, Sabrina Di Maria, Giovanni Luchetti, Fabiana Mattioli, Elena Pezzato, Ivano Pontoriero, 2022
Sweet Salone: Recipes from the Heart of Sierra Leone
Maria Bradford, 2023
Innovative Methods for Science Education: History of Science, ICT and Inquiry Based Science Teaching : History of Science, ICT and Inquiry Based Science Teaching
Peter Heering; Olivier Bruneau; Pere Grapí; Sylvain Laubé; Maria-Rosa Massa-Esteve; Thomas de Vittori, 2012
The Spanish Disquiet: The Biblical Natural Philosophy of Benito Arias Montano
María M. Portuondo, 2019
Russian Orientalism in a global context: Hybridity, encounter, and representation, 1740–1940
Maria Taroutina, Allison Leigh, 2023
Homemaking in the Russian-speaking Diaspora: Material Culture, Language and Identity
Maria Yelenevskaya (editor); Ekaterina Protassova (editor), 2023
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops: Athens, Greece, July 3–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part IV
Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Ana Maria A. C. Rocha, Chiara Garau, Francesco Scorza, Yeliz Karaca, Carmelo M. Torre, 2023
Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods: 6th International Conference, ICPRAM 2017, Porto, Portugal, February 24–26, 2017, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10857)
Maria De Marsico (editor), Gabriella Sanniti di Baja (editor), Ana Fred (editor)
Electrochemistry for Cultural Heritage
Antonio Doménech-Carbó, María Teresa Doménech-Carbó, 2023
Sensitive Pasts : Questioning Heritage in Education
Carla van Boxtel; Maria Grever; Stephan Klein, 2016
Freedom at Work : Language, Professional, and Intellectual Development in Schools
Maria E. Torres-Guzman, 2009
EPSO CAST Law: How to succeed in the selection procedure
José María Franco Reverte, 2019
Feminist Explorations of Paul Ricoeur's Philosophy
Annemie Halsema; Carlos A. Garduño Comparán; Fernanda Henriques; Morny Joy; Pamela Sue Anderson; Stephanie N. Arel; Annlaug Bjørsnøs; Scott Davidson; Maria del Guadalupe Davidson; Marjolaine Deschênes, 2016
Transforming Conflict Through Communication in Personal, Family, and Working Relationships
Peter M. Kellett; Kimberly K. Harp; Thomas G. Matyók; Starla Anderson; Maria Blevins; Teresa Blevins; Ian M. Borton; Ross Brinkert; Amanda Smith Byron; Phillip Glenn, 2016