نتایج جستجو

Eavesdropping: The Psychotherapist in Film and Television
Lucy Huskinson (editor), Terrie Waddell (editor), 2014
Objectives, Obstacles, and Tactics in Practice: Perspectives on Activating the Actor
Valerie Clayman Pye (editor), Hillary Haft Bucs (editor), 2019
Typen von Wissen: Begriffliche Unterscheidung und Ausprägungen in der Praxis des Wissenstransfers
Tilo Weber (editor), Gerd Antos (editor), 2009
Big Data Analytics in Cybersecurity and IT Management
Onur Savas (editor), Julia Deng (editor), 2017
Single-use technology in biopharmaceutical manufacture
Regine Eibl (editor); Dieter Eibl (editor), 2019
Hyperbolic Equations and Frequency Interactions
Luis A. Caffarelli (editor), E. Weinan (editor), 1999
Handbook of Data Structures and Applications (Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer and Information Science Series)
Dinesh P. Mehta (editor), Sartaj Sahni (editor), 2018
Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC): A Manual
Burcu Özcan (editor), Ilhan Öztürk (editor), 2019
Handbook of the Economics of Marketing: Marketing and Economics
Jean-Pierre Dube (editor), Peter E. Rossi (editor), 2019
Handbook of US Consumer Economics
Andrew Haughwout (editor), Benjamin Mandel (editor), 2019
Handbook of Research on Machine and Deep Learning Applications for Cyber Security (Advances in Information Security, Privacy, and Ethics)
Padmavathi Ganapathi (editor), D. Shanmugapriya (editor), 2020
Multiphysics Modelling of Fluid-Particulate Systems
Dr. Hassan Khawaja (editor), Mojtaba Moatamedi (editor), 2020
Business Intelligence and Analytics in Small and Medium Enterprises (Manufacturing Design and Technology)
Pedro Novo Melo (editor), Carolina Machado (editor), 2019
Advances in Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Donatella Danielli (editor), Irina Mitrea (editor), 2020
Handbook of Materials Modeling: Applications: Current and Emerging Materials
Wanda Andreoni (editor), Sidney Yip (editor), 2020
I quattro pilastri della saggezza. Ediz. integrale
Gotama Buddha, K. E. Neumann (editor), G. De Lorenzo (editor), 1992
I quattro pilastri della saggezza. Ediz. integrale
Gotama Buddha, K. E. Neumann (editor), G. De Lorenzo (editor), 1992
Landslides: Investigation and Mitigation (National Research Council (U.s.) Transportation Research Board Special Report)
A. Keith Turner (editor), Robert L. Schuster (editor), 1996
«Il faut bien manger». O il calcolo del soggetto
Jacques Derrida, S. Maruzzella (editor), F. Viri (editor), 2011
Dio, il dono e il postmoderno. Fenomenologia e religione
J. D. Caputo (editor), M. J. Scanlon (editor), 2012
La sofferenza è animale
Jean-Luc Nancy, M. Filippi (editor), A. Volpe (editor), 2019
Romanticism, Philosophy, and Literature
Michael N. Forster (editor), Lina Steiner (editor), 2020
Book Parts
Dennis Duncan (editor), Adam Smyth (editor), 2019
Ethics in Design and Communication: Critical Perspectives
Laura Scherling (editor), Andrew DeRosa (editor), 2020