نتایج جستجو

A Friendly Guide to Wavelets (Modern Birkhauser Classics)
Gerald Kaiser, 2010
A Course in Abstract Harmonic Analysis
Gerald B. Folland, 1995
Fiber-optic Communications - Systems, Analysis, and Enhancements
Gerald Lachs, 1998
Robot Vision: Second International Workshop, RobVis 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, February 18-20, 2008. Proceedings
Naoya Ohnishi, Yusuke Kameda, Atsushi Imiya, Leo Dorst, Reinhard Klette (auth.), Gerald Sommer, Reinhard Klette (eds.), 2008
Coherent Time Difference of Arrival Estimation Techniques for Frequency Hopping GSM Mobile Radio Signals
Alexander Gerald Götz, 2013
energy metabolism in the brain
LeifHertz, GeraldA.Dienel, 2002
Intellectual Property in the Food Technology Industry: Protecting Your Innovation
Ryan W. O¿Donnell, John J. O¿Malley, Randolph J. Huis, Gerald B. Halt, Jr. (auth.), 2008
Microbial Safety of Minimally Processed Foods
Vijay K. Juneja, John S. Novak, Gerald M. Sapers, 2003
Organometallic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy: Theory and Practice
Gerald B. Stringfellow, 1998
Water and the Cell
Gerald H. Pollack, Ivan L. Cameron, Denys N. Wheatley, 2006
Dictionar de naratologie
Gerald Prince
Fundamentals of Musical Composition
Arnold Schoenberg, Gerald Strang, Leonard Stein, 1982
Artificial Organs
Gerald Miller, 2006
Brain Structure and Its Origins: in Development and in Evolution of Behavior and the Mind
Gerald E. Schneider, 2014
Hans-Jürgen Rehm, Gerald Reed, Alfred Pühler, Peter Stadler, 1999
Biotechnology, 2E, Vol. 9, Enzymes, Biomass, Food and Feed
Gerald Reed, T. W. Nagodawithana, 1996
Guide to Yeast Genetics and Molecular Cell Biology Part B
Christine Guthrie, Gerald R. Fink, 2002
Guide to Yeast Genetics: Functional Genomics, Proteomics and Other Systems Analysis
Jonathan Weissman, Christine Guthrie, Gerald R. Fink, 2010
Automatische genetische Analytik
Gunter Mertes, Thomas Schafer, Thomas A. Schild, Gerald Schmidt, Dagmar Schuster, Jorg vom Stein, 1997
Basic DNA and RNA Protocols
Frank Merante, Sandeep Raha, Juta K. Reed, Gerald Proteau (auth.), Adrian J. Harwood (eds.), 1996
Basic DNA and RNA Protocols
Frank Merante, Sandeep Raha, Juta K. Reed, Gerald Proteau (auth.), Adrian J. Harwood (eds.), 1996
Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments
Gerald Karp, 2010
Cell Death Proteins
Gerald Litwack (Eds.), 1997