نتایج جستجو

Conservation of Modern Oil Paintings
Klaas Jan van den Berg (editor), Ilaria Bonaduce (editor), Aviva Burnstock (editor), Bronwyn Ormsby (editor), Mikkel Scharff (editor), Leslie Carlyle (editor), Gunnar Heydenreich (editor), Katrien Keune (editor), 2020
Cerebral Ventricles: In Multiple-Choice Questions
Hayder R. Salih (editor), Samer S. Hoz (editor), Ali A. Dolachee (editor), Mohammed A. Alrawi (editor), Zaid Aljuboori (editor), Mayur Sharma (editor), Mustafa Ismail (editor), Norberto Andaluz (editor), 2023
Data Mining: 20th Australasian Conference, AusDM 2022, Western Sydney, Australia, December 12–15, 2022, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
Laurence A. F. Park (editor), Heitor Murilo Gomes (editor), Maryam Doborjeh (editor), Yee Ling Boo (editor), Yun Sing Koh (editor), Yanchang Zhao (editor), Graham Williams (editor), Simeon Simoff (editor), 2022
Cyber-Physical Security for Critical Infrastructures Protection: First International Workshop, CPS4CIP 2020, Guildford, UK, September 18, 2020, ... Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Habtamu Abie (editor), Silvio Ranise (editor), Luca Verderame (editor), Enrico Cambiaso (editor), Rita Ugarelli (editor), Gabriele Giunta (editor), Isabel Praça (editor), Federica Battisti (editor), 2021
Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision: 6th Chinese Conference, PRCV 2023, Xiamen, China, October 13–15, 2023, Proceedings, Part III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Qingshan Liu (editor), Hanzi Wang (editor), Zhanyu Ma (editor), Weishi Zheng (editor), Hongbin Zha (editor), Xilin Chen (editor), Liang Wang (editor), Rongrong Ji (editor), 2024
Pattern Recognition. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges: Virtual Event, January 10–15, 2021, Proceedings, Part III (Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics)
Alberto Del Bimbo (editor), Rita Cucchiara (editor), Stan Sclaroff (editor), Giovanni Maria Farinella (editor), Tao Mei (editor), Marco Bertini (editor), Hugo Jair Escalante (editor), Roberto Vezzani (editor), 2021
Pattern Recognition. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges: Virtual Event, January 10-15, 2021, Proceedings, Part VII (Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, and Graphics)
Alberto Del Bimbo (editor), Rita Cucchiara (editor), Stan Sclaroff (editor), Giovanni Maria Farinella (editor), Tao Mei (editor), Marco Bertini (editor), Hugo Jair Escalante (editor), Roberto Vezzani (editor), 2021
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Soft Computing and Pattern Recognition (SoCPaR 2021) (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 417)
Ajith Abraham (editor), Andries Engelbrecht (editor), Fabio Scotti (editor), Niketa Gandhi (editor), Pooja Manghirmalani Mishra (editor), Giancarlo Fortino (editor), Virgilijus Sakalauskas (editor), Sabri Pllana (editor), 2022
Social Robotics: 13th International Conference, ICSR 2021, Singapore, Singapore, November 10–13, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13086)
Haizhou Li (editor), Shuzhi Sam Ge (editor), Yan Wu (editor), Agnieszka Wykowska (editor), Hongsheng He (editor), Xiaorui Liu (editor), Dongyu Li (editor), Jairo Perez-Osorio (editor), 2021
Storia naturale. Libri 20-27. Botanica. Con testo latino a fronte
Plinio il Vecchio, Gaio Plinio Secondo, Andrea Aragosti (editor), Anna Maria Cotrozzi (editor), Paola Cosci (editor), Francesco Lechi (editor), Marco Fantuzzi (editor), Giuliano Ranucci (editor), Alessandro Barchiesi (editor), Gian Biagio Conte (editor), 1997
Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology: Volume 3: The Firmicutes (Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (Springer-Verlag))
Paul Vos (editor), George Garrity (editor), Dorothy Jones (editor), Noel R. Krieg (editor), Wolfgang Ludwig (editor), Fred A. Rainey (editor), Karl-Heinz Schleifer (editor), William B. Whitman (editor), 2009
Cambridge Companion to Abelard
Brower, Jeffrey E. (EDT); Guilfoy, Kevin (EDT) (editor); Jeffrey E. Brower (editor); Kevin Guilfoy (editor), 2014
Qualitative Research Methods in Human Geography
Iain Hay (editor), Meghan Cope (editor), 2021
The Oxford handbook of economic imperialism
Zak Cope (editor); Immanuel Ness (editor), 2022
The SAGE Handbook of Media and Migration
Kevin Smets (editor), Koen Leurs (editor), Myria Georgiou (editor), Saskia Witteborn (editor), Radhika Gajjala (editor), 2019
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Contemporary British and Irish Literature
Richard Bradford (editor), Madelena Gonzalez (editor), Stephen Butler (editor), James Ward (editor), Kevin De Ornellas (editor), 2020
Philosophy of Religion: Reader and Guide: A Reader and Guide
William Lane Craig (editor),Kevin Meeker (editor), J. P. Moreland (editor), Michael Murray (editor), Timothy O’Connor (editor), 2002
Cybersecurity in Emerging Digital Era: First International Conference, ICCEDE 2020, Greater Noida, India, October 9-10, 2020, Revised Selected Papers ... in Computer and Information Science, 1436)
Rajeev Agrawal (editor), Goutam Sanyal (editor), Kevin Curran (editor), Valentina Emilia Balas (editor), Madhu Sharma Gaur (editor), 2021
Perspectives on the Environment (Volume 2): Interdisciplinary Research Network on Environment and Society (Routledge Revivals)
Sue Elworthy (editor), Kevin Anderson (editor), Ian Coates (editor), Piers Stephens (editor), Matt Stroh (editor), 2018
Computational Intelligence: International Joint Conference, IJCCI 2018 Seville, Spain, September 18–20, 2018 Revised Selected Papers (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 893)
Christophe Sabourin (editor), Juan Julián Merelo (editor), Alejandro Linares Barranco (editor), Kurosh Madani (editor), Kevin Warwick (editor), 2021
Cybersecurity in Emerging Digital Era: First International Conference, ICCEDE 2020, Greater Noida, India, October 9-10, 2020, Revised Selected Papers ... in Computer and Information Science)
Rajeev Agrawal (editor), Goutam Sanyal (editor), Kevin Curran (editor), Valentina Emilia Balas (editor), Madhu Sharma Gaur (editor), 2021
Kevin Fletcher, Mark Lucas, Brian Burton, Trent Fausett, Patrick Foxhoven, Kevin Miller, Kevin Peterson, Brad Woodberg, Neil Wyler, 2007
Juniper Networks Secure Access SSL VPN Configuration Guide
Kevin Fletcher, Mark Lucas, Brian Burton, Trent Fausett, Patrick Foxhoven, Kevin Miller, Kevin Peterson, Brad Woodberg, Neil Wyler, 2007
Handbook of meat, poultry and seafood quality
Leo M. L. Nollet (editor), Terri Boylston (associate editor), Feng Chen (associate editor), Patti Coggins (associate editor), Grethe Hydlig (associate editor), L. H. McKee (associate editor), Chris Kerth (associate editor), 2012