نتایج جستجو

Office Kaizen - Transforming Office Operations into a Strategic Competitive Advantage
Lareau, William, 2003
Health Research Methodology: A Guide for Training in Research Methods (WHO Pacific Regional Office Education in Action Series)
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, 2001![Criticality Safety Lessons Learned in a Deactivation and Decommissioning Environment [A Guide for Facility and Project Managers]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/1/171817-n.jpg)
Criticality Safety Lessons Learned in a Deactivation and Decommissioning Environment [A Guide for Facility and Project Managers]
NIRIDER, L.T.; DOE-RL (US); United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Environmental Management.; Hanford Site (Wash. ).; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 2003
Supercritical Water Nuclear Steam Supply System : Innovations In Materials, Neutronics & Thermal-Hydraulics
P. WIlson; D. Cho; Mark Anderson; T.K. Kim; M.L. Corradini; K. Sridharan; S. Lomperski; (US); University of Wisconsin--Madison.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Idaho Operations Office.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 2004
Advances and Challenges in Computational Plasma Science
W.M. Tang; V.S. Chan; USDOE Office of Science (SC) (US); Princeton University. Plasma Physics Laboratory.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 2005
Generation of Ultra-high Intensity Laser Pulses
N.J. Fisch; V.M. Malkin; USDOE Office of Science (SC) (US); Princeton University. Plasma Physics Laboratory.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 2003
Termination of light-water reactor core-melt accidents with a chemical core catcher : the core-melt source reduction system (COMSORS)
Rudolph, J.C.; Parker, G.W.; Forsberg, C.W.; Osborne-Lee, I.W.; Kenton, M.A.; Oak Ridge National Laboratory.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Energy Research.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 1996
Contaminant Boundary at the Faultless Underground Nuclear Test
Greg Pohll; Jenny Chapman; Karl Pohlmann; Ahmed Hassan; Jeff Daniels; USDOE Office of Environmental Management (EM) (US); Desert Research Institute, Nevada University, Reno, NV (United States).; University of Nevada System. Desert Research Institute.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 2003
Atoms to electricity
United States. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy. Office of Support Programs, 1983
Woman's Place Is at the Typewriter. Office Work and Office Workers, 1870-1930
Margery W. Davies, 2010
Decay Heat of Major Radionuclides for PWR Spent Fuels to 10,000 Years
J.S. Tang; United States. Dept. of Energy. Yucca Mountain Project Office.; United States. Dept. of Energy.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 2001
Derivation of Hamiltonians for accelerators
Symon, K.R.; Argonne National Lab.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Energy Research.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 1997
Neutron Transport Methods for Accelerator-Driven Systems
Nicholas Tsoulfanidis; Elmer Lewis; (US); University of Missouri--Rolla.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Idaho Operations Office.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific
Microsoft Office 2010 with Microsoft Office 2010 Evaluation Software
Microsoft Official Academic Course, 2012
Perspectives on reactor safety
FE Haskin; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Office of Human Resources. Technical Training Center.; Sandia National Laboratories.; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Office for Analysis, 1994
Perspectives on reactor safety
FE Haskin; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Office of Human Resources. Technical Training Center.; Sandia National Laboratories.; U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Office for Analysis, 1997![OpenOffice.org 2.2 die Office-Alternative; [CD, Office komplett: OpenOffice 2.2]](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/3/383817-n.jpg)
OpenOffice.org 2.2 die Office-Alternative; [CD, Office komplett: OpenOffice 2.2]
Kolberg Michael, 2007
Microwave Superconducting Accelerators and Precision Sub-Atomic, Atomic and Molecular Physics at Jefferson Lab
Swapan Chattopadhyay; USDOE - Office of Energy Research (ER); Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (U.S.).; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 2005
History of Proton Linear Accelerators
Alvarez, Luis W.; USDOE Director, Office of Science; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 1987
Multidimensional shielding analysis of the JASPER in-vessel fuel storage experiments
Bucholz, J.A.; Oak Ridge National Laboratory.; United States. Office of the Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy.; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 1993