نتایج جستجو

Practices in Regional Science and Sustainable Regional Development: Experiences from the Global South
R. B. Singh, Soumendu Chatterjee, Mukunda Mishra, Andrews José de Lucena, 2021
Practices in Regional Science and Sustainable Regional Development: Experiences from the Global South
R. B. Singh, Soumendu Chatterjee, Mukunda Mishra, Andrews José de Lucena, 2021
Multimodality, Poetry and Poetics
Richard Andrews, 2018
Multimodality, Poetry and Poetics
Richard Andrews, 2018
The Emergence and Revival of Charismatic Movements: Argentine Peronism and Venezuelan Chavismo
Caitlin Andrews-Lee, 2021
Lenin's Revolution
Stuart Andrews, 2007
Flip the System Australia: What Matters in Education
Deborah M. Netolicky, Jon Andrews, Cameron Paterson, 2018
The Dramaturgy of the Door
Stuart Andrews, Matthew Wagner, 2019
Doing Data Science in R: An Introduction for Social Scientists
Mark Andrews, 2021
SPECTRUM AMPLITUDE - Definition, Generation and Measurement
James R. Andrews, M. Gerald Arthur, 1977
F. Harvey Pough, Robin M. Andrews, Martha L. Crump, Alan H. Savitzky, Kentwood D. Wells, Matthew C. Brandley, 2015
Seamus Heaney: A Collection of Critical Essays
Elmer Andrews (editor), 1993
The Hollow Colossus
Charles Andrews, 2015
Character & Structure: An Unholy Alliance
Chris Andrews, 2019
Digital Libraries: Policy, Planning and Practice
Judith Andrews (editor), Derek Law (editor), 2004
Important Judgments that Transformed India: For UPSC Civil Services Examination
Alex Andrews George
Regional Development Planning and Practice: Contemporary Issues in South Asia
Mukunda Mishra, R. B. Singh, Andrews José de Lucena, Soumendu Chatterjee, 2021
Regional Development Planning and Practice: Contemporary Issues in South Asia
Mukunda Mishra, R. B. Singh, Andrews José de Lucena, Soumendu Chatterjee, 2021
A Sweet View: The Making of an English Idyll
Malcolm Andrews, 2022
East Plays West: Sport and the Cold War
Stephen Wagg (editor), David Andrews (editor), 2007
The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Number Theory
Stefan A. Burr, George E. Andrews (ed.), 1992
The Language Book
Bruce Andrews (editor), Charles Bernstein (editor), 1984
Western Medicine As Contested Knowledge
Andrew Cunningham (editor), Bridie Andrews (editor), 1997