نتایج جستجو

Concrete Semantics with Isabelle/HOL
Tobias Nipkow, Gerwin Klein, 2017
The Margins of Empire: Kurdish Militias in the Ottoman Tribal Zone
Janet Klein, 2011
Lectures and Essays
Jacob Klein, 1985
Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics
Jared Klein, Brian Joseph, Matthias Fritz, 2017
Lacan and Klein, Creation and Discovery: An Essay of Reintroduction
Adam Rosen-Carole, 2011
Melanie Klein Revisited: Pioneer and Revolutionary in the Psychoanalysis of Young Children
Susan Sherwin-White, 2017
Georg Lukács in Berlin. Literaturtheorie und Literaturpolitik der Jahre 1930/32
Alfred Klein, Georg Lukács, 1990
Introduction to Critical Care Nursing
Mary Lou Sole, Deborah Goldenberg Klein, Marthe J. Moseley, 2011
Introducing Melanie Klein: A Graphic Guide
Robert Hinshelwood, Susan Robinson, Oscar Zarate, 2011
Backache: What Exercises Work
Dava Sobel, Arthur C. Klein, 1996
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein. Vol. 3: The Swiss Years: Writings, 1909-1911 (English translation)
Albert Einstein; Martin J. Klein, A. J. Kox, Jürgen Renn, Robert Schulmann (eds.), 1993
The Collected Papers of Albert Einstein. Vol. 4: The Swiss Years: Writings, 1912-1914
Albert Einstein; Martin J. Klein, A. J. Kox, Jürgen Renn, Robert Schulmann (eds.), 1996
Cyberfeminism: Connectivity, Critique and Creativity
Renate Klein, Susan Hawthorne, 2003
Historical dictionary of slavery and abolition
Klein, Martin A., 2014
Brant and Helms’ Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology
Jeffrey Klein MD, FACR, Emily N. Vinson MD, William E. Brant MD, Clyde A. Helms MD, 2018
Brant and Helms’ Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology
Jeffrey Klein et al., 2018
How Toddlers Thrive: What Parents Can Do Today for Children Ages 2-5 to Plant the Seeds of Lifelong Success
Tovah P Klein, 24 Feb 2015
Partager la science – L’illettrisme scientifique en question
Goery Delacote, Joan Ferrini Mundy, Stéphane Foucart, Mathias Girel, micheline Hotyat, Olivier Houdé, Rosa Issola, Etienne Klein, Roberto Krankel, Hervé Le Guyader, Pierre Léna, Michel Lussault, Clare Matterson, Didier Miraton, Jean-Marc Monteil, Stephane Natkin, Sook-Kyoung Cho, Heinz Wismann, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, Marc J. De Vries, Gérard Ferey, 2013
A la recherche du réel
Bernard d’ Espagnat, Etienne Klein, 2015