نتایج جستجو

Manual of Contemporary Otological Practice
Uma Patnaik (editor), Amit Sood (editor), Dilip Raghavan (editor), Sabarigirish K (editor), 2021
Social Emergency Medicine: Principles and Practice
Harrison J. Alter (editor), Preeti Dalawari (editor), Kelly M. Doran (editor), Maria C. Raven (editor), 2021
Advanced Deep Learning for Engineers and Scientists: A Practical Approach (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing)
Kolla Bhanu Prakash (editor), Ramani Kannan (editor), S.Albert Alexander (editor), G. R. Kanagachidambaresan (editor), 2021
Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 27th International Conference, IPMI 2021, Virtual Event, June 28–June 30, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12729)
Aasa Feragen (editor), Stefan Sommer (editor), Julia Schnabel (editor), Mads Nielsen (editor), 2021
Web Engineering: 21st International Conference, ICWE 2021, Biarritz, France, May 18–21, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12706)
Marco Brambilla (editor), Richard Chbeir (editor), Flavius Frasincar (editor), Ioana Manolescu (editor), 2021
4 Dada Suicides: Selected Texts of Arthur Cravan, Jacques Rigaut, Julien Torma & Jacques Vaché
Jacques Rigaut, Julien Torma, Jacques Vache, Arthur Cravan, Roger Conover (editor), Terry J. Hale (editor), Paul Lenti (editor), Iain White (editor), 1995
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XIX: 19th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, IDA 2021, Porto, Portugal, April 26–28, 2021, ... (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12695)
Pedro Henriques Abreu (editor), Pedro Pereira Rodrigues (editor), Alberto Fernández (editor), João Gama (editor), 2021
Computational Intelligence in Healthcare (Health Information Science)
Amit Kumar Manocha (editor), Shruti Jain (editor), Mandeep Singh (editor), Sudip Paul (editor), 2021
Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 17th European Conference, JELIA 2021, Virtual Event, May 17–20, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12678)
Wolfgang Faber (editor), Gerhard Friedrich (editor), Martin Gebser (editor), Michael Morak (editor), 2021
Arctic Law and Governance: The Role of China and Finland
Timo Koivurova (editor), QIN Tianbao (editor), Sebastien Duyck (editor), Tapio Nykänen (editor), 2017
Proceedings of Sixth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology: ICICT 2021, London, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 236)
Xin-She Yang (editor), Simon Sherratt (editor), Nilanjan Dey (editor), Amit Joshi (editor), 2021
La reforma incompleta : rescatando los noventa, tomo I
Fritz editor Du Bois; Roberto Abusada-Salah; Eduardo Morón; José Valderrama; Roberto editor Abusada-Salah; Eduardo editor Morón; José editor Valderrama; Fritz Du Bois, 2000
Settlement, Society and Cognition in Human Evolution: Landscapes in Mind
Fiona Coward (editor), Robert Hosfield (editor), Matt Pope (editor), Francis Wenban-Smith (editor), 2015
Handling Verbal Confrontation: Take the Fear Out of Facing Others
Robert Gerard, Elin Barton (editor), Mary Ross (editor), Zeljka Roksandic (editor), Victor Beasley (editor), 2016
The Production of Alternative Urban Spaces: An International Dialogue
Jens Kaae Fisker (editor), Letizia Chiappini (editor), Lee Pugalis (editor), Antonella Bruzzese (editor), 2018
Managing Sport Across Borders
Anneliese Goslin (editor), Darlene A. Kluka (editor), Rosa López de D'Amico (editor), Karen Danylchuk (editor), 2020
Arthroscopy and Endoscopy of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand: Surgical Anatomy and Techniques
Deepak N. Bhatia (editor), Gregory I. Bain (editor), Gary G. Poehling (editor), Benjamin R. Graves (editor), 2021
African-American English : structure, history, and use
Salikoko S. Mufwene (editor); Guy Bailey (editor); John Baugh (editor); John R. Rickford (editor), 2022
The Imposter as Social Theory: Thinking with Gatecrashers, Cheats and Charlatans
Steve Woolgar (editor), Else Vogel (editor), David Moats (editor), Claes-Fredrik Helgesson (editor), 2021
Patient Participation in Health Care Consultations: Qualitative Perspectives
Sarah Collins (editor), Nicky Britten (editor), Johanna Ruusuvuori (editor), Andrew Thompson (editor), 2007
Intersectionality and Beyond: Law, Power and the Politics of Location
Emily Grabham (editor), Davina Cooper (editor), Jane Krishnadas (editor), Didi Herman (editor), 2008
Next Generation Supply Chains: A Roadmap for Research and Innovation (Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering)
Rosanna Fornasiero (editor), Saskia Sardesai (editor), Ana Cristina Barros (editor), Aristides Matopoulos (editor), 2020
Next Generation Supply Chains: A Roadmap for Research and Innovation (Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering)
Rosanna Fornasiero (editor), Saskia Sardesai (editor), Ana Cristina Barros (editor), Aristides Matopoulos (editor), 2020
Psychotic Disorders: Comprehensive Conceptualization and Treatments
Carol A. Tammingsa (editor), Elena Ivleva (editor), Ulrich Reininghaus (editor), Jim van Os (editor), 2020