نتایج جستجو

Developing Advanced English Language Competence: A Research-Informed Approach at Tertiary Level (English Language Education, 22)
Armin Berger (editor), Helen Heaney (editor), Pia Resnik (editor), Angelika Rieder-Bünemann (editor), Galina Savukova (editor), 2022
Making the Most of Graduate School: A Practical Guidebook for Students in Applied Linguistics, Education, and TESOL
Matt Kessler, J. Elliott Casal, 2024
Becoming a Mathematics Teacher: Identity and Identifications (Mathematics Education Library, 53)
Tony Brown, Olwen McNamara, 2011
Globalisation, Cultural Identity and Nation-Building: The Changing Paradigms (Globalisation, Comparative Education and Policy Research, 23)
Joseph Zajda (editor), Suzanne Majhanovich (editor), 2021
Cultures and Change in Higher Education: Theories and Practices
Paul Trowler, 2008
F. D. E. Schleiermacher's Outlines of the Art of Education: A Translation and Discussion
Norm Friesen; Karsten Kenklies, 2022
Critical Campus Sustainabilities: Bridging Social Justice and the Environment in Higher Education (Sustainable Development Goals Series)
Flora Lu (editor), Emily Murai (editor), 2023
Situating Shakespeare Pedagogy in US Higher Education: Social Justice and Institutional Contexts
Marissa Greenberg, Elizabeth Williamson, 2024
Continuing Professional Development of TESOL Practitioners: A Global Landscape (Springer Texts in Education)
Andrzej Cirocki (editor), Raichle Farrelly (editor), Heather Buchanan (editor), 2023
Renewing the Mind: A Reader in the Philosophy of Catholic Education
Ryan N. S. Topping (editor), 2015
Research Anthology on Remote Teaching and Learning and the Future of Online Education
Information Resources Management Association (editor), 2022
Cultures and Change in Higher Education: Theories and Practices
Paul Trowler, 2008
Philosophy and Education: Introducing Philosophy to Young People
Roberta Israeloff (editor), 2012
Governance in Higher Education: Global Reform and Trends in the MENA Region
Nehme Azoury (editor), American University of the Middle East (editor), 2023
Transforming Business Education for a Sustainable Future: Stories from Pioneers
Linda Irwin (editor), Isabel Rimanoczy (editor), Morgane Fritz (editor), James Weichert (editor), 2023
Participation in Digital Education: Results of the educational study of the Genossenschaft der Werkstätten für behinderte Menschen in Norddeutschland e. G., (Germany)
Ludger Kolhoff, Julia Hartung-Ziehlke, Karen Frankenstein, 2023
Ongoing Advancements in Philosophy of Mathematics Education
Maria Aparecida Viggiani Bicudo (editor), Bronislaw Czarnocha (editor), Maurício Rosa (editor), Małgorzata Marciniak (editor), 2023
Perspectives on Design III: Research, Education and Practice (Springer Series in Design and Innovation, 34)
Daniel Raposo (editor), João Neves (editor), Ricardo Silva (editor), 2024