نتایج جستجو

Collections of the Illinois State Historical Library
coll., Hiram W. Beckwith (ed.), 1903
Images of State Power: Essays on Philippines Politics from the Margins
Patricio N. Abinales, 1998
Bibliographical Series (The County of the State of Illinois)
Theodore Calvin Pease, 1915
The State of Being Stateless: An Account of South Asia
Paula Banerjee, 2017
The Unequal Unemployed: Discrimination, unemployment and state policy in Northern Ireland
Maura Sheehan; Mike Tomlinson, 1999
Refugee Governance, State and Politics in the Middle East
Zeynep Şahin Mencütek, 2019
Sharia and the State in Pakistan: Blasphemy Politics
Farhat Haq, 2019
Climate Justice and Non-State Actors Corporations, Regions, Cities, and Individuals
Jeremy Moss, Lachlan Umbers, 2020
Enemies of the State: An Interview with Anti-Imperialist Political Prisoners
David Gilbert; Laura Whitehorn; Marilyn Buck; Meg Starr; Resistance in Brooklyn, 2002
Tax Law, State-building and the Constitution
Dominic de Cogan, 2020
改革歷程 / Prisoner of the State
趙紫陽 Zhao Ziyang, 2009
Habermas and European Integration: Social and cultural modernity beyond the nation-state
Shivdeep Grewal, 2019
Islam and the state in Indonesia
Bahtiar Effendy, 2003
The state, France and the sixteenth century
Howell A. Lloyd, 1983
The State in India, 1000-1700 (Oxford in India Readings: Themes in Indian History)
Hermann Kulke (editor), 1995
The Mughal State, 1526-1750 (Oxford in India Readings: Themes in Indian History)
Sanjay Subrahmanyam (editor), 2000
The Delhi College: Traditional Elites, the Colonial State, and Education before 1857
Margrit Pernau (editor), 2006