نتایج جستجو

The World of Hrishikesh Mukherjee: The Filmmaker Everyone Loves
Jai Arjun Singh, 2016
Language, Gender and Parenthood Online: Negotiating Motherhood in Mumsnet Talk
Jai Mackenzie, 2020
Charan Chuye Jai (চরণ ছুঁয়ে যাই)
Shankar Roy (শঙ্কর), 1960
Unprecedented?: How COVID-19 Revealed the Politics of Our Economy
William Davies, Sahil Jai Dutta, Nick Taylor, Martina Tazzioli, 2022
Applications of Operational Research in Business and Industries: Proceedings of 54th Annual Conference of ORSI
Angappa Gunasekaran, Jai Kishore Sharma, Samarjit Kar, 2023
Gastrointestinal Cancer: A Comprehensive Guide to Diagnosis and Management
Hoon Jai Chun, Seun Ja Park, Yun Jeong Lim, Si Young Song, 2023
Handbook of meat, poultry and seafood quality
Leo M. L. Nollet (editor), Terri Boylston (associate editor), Feng Chen (associate editor), Patti Coggins (associate editor), Grethe Hydlig (associate editor), L. H. McKee (associate editor), Chris Kerth (associate editor), 2012
Civil Action and the Dynamics of Violence
Deborah Avant (Editor), Marie E. Berry (Editor), Erica Chenoweth (Editor), Rachel Epstein (Editor), Cullen Hendrix (Editor), Oliver Kaplan (Editor), Timothy Sisk (Editor), 2019
The Liver: Biology and Pathobiology
Irwin M. Arias (editor), Harvey J. Alter (editor), James L. Boyer (editor), David E. Cohen (editor), David A. Shafritz (editor), Snorri S. Thorgeirsson (editor), Allan W. Wolkoff (editor), 2020
Advances in Microlocal and Time-Frequency Analysis (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
Paolo Boggiatto (editor), Marco Cappiello (editor), Elena Cordero (editor), Sandro Coriasco (editor), Gianluca Garello (editor), Alessandro Oliaro (editor), Jörg Seiler (editor), 2020
High-Performance and Time-Predictable Embedded Computing
Luis Miguel Pinho (editor), Eduardo Quinones (editor), Marko Bertogna (editor), Andrea Marongiu (editor), Vincent Nelis (editor), Paolo Gai (editor), Juan Sancho (editor), 2018
Thinking Infrastructures
Martin Kornberger (editor), Geoffrey C. Bowker (editor), Julia Elyachar (editor), Andrea Mennicken (editor), Peter Miller (editor), Joanne Randa Nucho (editor), Neil Pollock (editor), 2019
Nonlinear Analysis and Boundary Value Problems: NABVP 2018, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, September 4-7 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics)
Iván Area (editor), Alberto Cabada (editor), José Ángel Cid (editor), Daniel Franco (editor), Eduardo Liz (editor), Rodrigo López Pouso (editor), Rosana Rodríguez-López (editor), 2019
Advances in Microlocal and Time-Frequency Analysis (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
Paolo Boggiatto (editor), Marco Cappiello (editor), Elena Cordero (editor), Sandro Coriasco (editor), Gianluca Garello (editor), Alessandro Oliaro (editor), Jörg Seiler (editor), 2020
Big Data Meets Survey Science: A Collection of Innovative Methods
Craig A. Hill (editor), Paul P. Biemer (editor), Trent D. Buskirk (editor), Lilli Japec (editor), Antje Kirchner (editor), Stas Kolenikov (editor), Lars E. Lyberg (editor), 2021
The Unit Problem and Other Current Topics in Business Survey Methodology
Boris Lorenc (editor), Paul A. Smith (editor) , Mojca Bavdaž (editor), Gustav Haraldsen (editor), Desislava Nedyalkova (editor), Li-Chun Zhang (editor), Thomas Zimmermann (editor), 2018
Rudolf II and Prague. The Court and the City
Eliška Fučíková (editor), James M. Bradburne (editor), Beket Bukovinská (editor), Jaroslava Hausenblasová (editor), Lumomír Konečný (editor), Ivan Muchka (editor), Michal Šroněk (editor), 1997
Spatial Data and Intelligence: Second International Conference, SpatialDI 2021, Hangzhou, China, April 22–24, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12753)
Gang Pan (editor), Hui Lin (editor), Xiaofeng Meng (editor), Yunjun Gao (editor), Yong Li (editor), Qingfeng Guan (editor), Zhiming Ding (editor), 2021
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 25th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2021, Virtual Event, May 11–14, 2021, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12712)
Kamal Karlapalem (editor), Hong Cheng (editor), Naren Ramakrishnan (editor), R. K. Agrawal (editor), P. Krishna Reddy (editor), Jaideep Srivastava (editor), Tanmoy Chakraborty (editor), 2021
Chatbot Research and Design: 4th International Workshop, CONVERSATIONS 2020, Virtual Event, November 23–24, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12604)
Asbjørn Følstad (editor), Theo Araujo (editor), Symeon Papadopoulos (editor), Effie L.-C. Law (editor), Ewa Luger (editor), Morten Goodwin (editor), Petter Bae Brandtzaeg (editor), 2021
Boorman's Pathology of the Rat: Reference and Atlas
Gary A. Boorman (editor), Andrew W. Suttie (editor), Scot L. Eustis (editor), Michael R. Elwell (editor), William F. MacKenzie (editor), Joel R. Leininger DVM PhDDiplomate ACVP (editor), Alys Bradley (editor), 2017
Electronic Voting: 6th International Joint Conference, E-Vote-ID 2021, Virtual Event, October 5–8, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12900)
Robert Krimmer (editor), Melanie Volkamer (editor), David Duenas-Cid (editor), Oksana Kulyk (editor), Peter Rønne (editor), Mihkel Solvak (editor), Micha Germann (editor), 2021
Advances in Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Deep Learning, Artificial ... 2020 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems)
Luigi Troiano (editor), Alfredo Vaccaro (editor), Roberto Tagliaferri (editor), Nishtha Kesswani (editor), Irene Díaz Rodriguez (editor), Imene Brigui (editor), Domenico Parente (editor), 2022
Murray & Nadel's Textbook of Respiratory Medicine
V. Courtney Broaddus (Editor), Joel D Ernst (Editor), Jr Talmadge E King (Editor), Stephen C. Lazarus (Editor), Kathleen F. Sarmiento (Editor), Lynn M. Schnapp (Editor), Renee D Stapleton (Editor), Michael B. Gotway, 2022