نتایج جستجو

Culturally Responsive Pedagogy: Teaching Like Our Students' Lives Matter (Innovation and Leadership in English Language Teaching)
Donna M. Sobel, Sheryl V. Taylor, 2011
Innovation in English Language Teaching: A Reader (Teaching English Language Worldwide)
David R. Hall; Ann Hewings, 2001
International Perspectives on English Language Teacher Education: Innovations from the Field
Thomas S. C. Farrell (eds.), 2015
Records Management and Knowledge Mobilisation. A Handbook for Regulation, Innovation and Transformation
Stephen Harries (Auth.), 2012
Ahead of the Curve: Cases of Innovation in Environmental Management
Ken Green, Peter Groenewegen, Peter S. Hofman (auth.), Ken Green, Peter Groenewegen, Peter S. Hofman (eds.), 2001
Cooking innovations : using hydrocolloids for thickening, gelling, and emulsification
A Nussinovitch; Madoka Hirashima, 2014
Bio-inspiring Cyber Security and Cloud Services: Trends and Innovations
Aboul Ella Hassanien, Tai-Hoon Kim, Janusz Kacprzyk, Ali Ismail Awad (eds.), 2014
Innovations in Educational Psychology: Perspectives on Learning, Teaching, and Human Development
David D. Preiss PhD, Robert J. Sternberg PhD, 2010
Managing Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Innovations: Converging Technologies in Society
William Sims Bainbridge, 2006
Managing Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno Innovations: Converging Technologies in Society
William Sims Bainbridge, 2006
J. C. Nichols and the Shaping of Kansas City: Innovation in Planned Residential Communities
William S. Worley, 1993
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XIV: Proceedings of AI-2006, the Twenty-sixth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Alfio Vidotto, Kenneth N. Brown, J. Christopher Beck (auth.), Richard Ellis BSc, MSc, Dr Tony Allen PhD, Dr Andrew Tuson MA, MSc, PhD, MBCS (eds.), 2007
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XVI: Proceedings of AI-2008, the Twenty-eighth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Ted Scully, Kenneth N. Brown (auth.), Tony Allen BA, MSc, PhD, Richard Ellis BSc, MSc, Miltos Petridis DipEng, MBA, PhD, MBCS, AMBA (eds.), 2009
Service Research and Innovation: Third Australian Symposium, ASSRI 2013, Sydney, NSW, Australia, November 27-29, 2013, Revised Selected Papers
Joseph G. Davis, Haluk Demirkan, Hamid R. Motahari-Nezhad (eds.), 2014
Froth flotation : a century of innovation
Maurice C Fuerstenau; Graeme J Jameson; RH Yoon
Innovations in Flotation Technology
R. J. Pugh, E. Manev (auth.), P. Mavros, K. A. Matis (eds.), 1992
Cost Accounting: Traditions and Innovations
Jesse T. Barfield, Cecily A. Raiborn, Michael R. Kinney, 2001
Value in Health Care: Accounting for Cost, Quality, Safety, Outcomes, and Innovations: Workshop Summary (The Learning Healthcare System)
Pierre L. Young, LeighAnne Olsen, J. Michael McGinnis, Roundtable on Evidence-Based Medicine, Institute of Medicine, 2010
Firms in Open Source Software Development: Managing Innovation Beyond Firm Boundaries
Mario Schaarschmidt (auth.), 2012
Open Source Development, Adoption and Innovation: IFIP Working Group 2.13 on Open Source Software, June 11–14, 2007, Limerick, Ireland
Claudio Agostino Ardagna, Ernesto Damiani, Fulvio Frati (auth.), Joseph Feller, Brian Fitzgerald, Walt Scacchi, Alberto Sillitti (eds.), 2007
New Production Technologies in Aerospace Industry: Proceedings of the 4th Machining Innovations Conference, Hannover, September 2013
Umut Karagüzel, Utku Olgun, Emre Uysal (auth.), Berend Denkena (eds.), 2014
Object Relations and Integrative Psychotherapy: Tradition and Innovation in Theory and Practice
Patrick Nolan, Inger Safvestad-Nolan, 2005
The Weather Revolution: Innovations and Imminent Breakthroughs in Accurate Forecasting
Jack Fishman, Robert Kalish (auth.), 1994